Howdy everyone, v11.7.0 has been released. Download and Install:
Changelog (and below)
I'm pasting in the changelog for v11.6.0 as well, as I don't think that was announced on this list:
The Bridge plugin allows you to send messages with Dada Mail through your mail reader without having to log into Dada Mail's own list control panel. You can set up a list of Authorized Senders who are allowed to send to the mailing list. This is an easy way to allow more than just the List Owner the ability to send to your mailing list, without needing to give out your mailing list's administration credentials to anyone else.
We have added several features to allow you to send more effective announce-only messages through Bridge:
The first change we've made is actually a bug fix. One way to run your announcement list utilizing Authorized Senders is to rewrite the From: header, so all messages sent to your mailing list use the List Owner in the From: header, no matter what Authorized Sender sent the message.
Look for the radio button labeled,
Rewrite From header to List Owner
in Bridge
Another option available is to preserve the original From: header so that any replies go to that address, rather than the List Onwer. The issue was that the From: header wasn't correctly managed to deal with DMARC restrictions.
Say you have an Authorized Sender that's using a Gmail account, and you've set up your mailing list to send using your own SMTP server. Sending a mass mailing from your own server with (for example) a Gmail address in the From: header won't work. You'll need to instead send the message "on behalf of" the original sender, just like we do for discussion lists. In past versions, this wasn't happening, and in v11.7- it now is. Rejoice!
Look for the radio button labeled,
Rewrite From header to be "on behalf of" List Owner
in Bridge.
We've also added an option to list domains that you would not like this rewrite to happen, just in case your mail system has already allowed certain additional domains to be sent through it.
Look for textbox labeled,
Don't rewrite From header for the following domains: (one domain per line)
The ability to set the Reply-To header to the List Owner or the original sender (or no one!) has been kept, even though the From: header need to be sent "On Behalf Of".
Similar to what you're able to do already for discussion lists, you can now set your mailing list to mention who the original authorized sender was, who sent the message. This option can be enabled (default) and disabled in Bridge for both announce-only and discussion lists. Look for the checkbox labeled:
Mention the original sender of the message at the top of the message itself
in Bridge.
Under the hood, this is implemented using Dada Mail's template tags, which you can use too, in your own custom mass mailing layout. See our docs on Dada Mail's email template tag syntax to learn more:
Add your WhatsApp Number! A link to start a WhatsApp chat will appear at the bottom of your email messages, below your physical address and phone number.
See which theme is currently applied to your email messages without having to visit the Email Themes screen
In an effort to more easily debug problems with mass mailings, the individual mass mailing log will show more errors.
In an effort to more easily debug problems with messages received via the Bridfge plugin, more information will be printed to the error log, when a problem occurs.
In Dada Mail, it's very easy to remove all list members from the, Membership: View screen. Although an alert box does come up when you click this button, it's not entirely clear if Global Unsubscribe is enabled for your installation. If it is, removing all your members from one list may remove all your members from all your mailing lists, which most likely is not what you want to do.
To help with this issue, we've disabled this button per mailing list. You can re-enabled it in the, Membership: Options screen. We've also put a alert box on the top of the, Membership: View to remind you if you Global Unsubscribe is enabled. The alert box that comes up if you do try to remove all your members will again remind you that global unsubscribe is enabled.
All the above also applies to the Global Black List, and you'll get similar notifications in the interface if you try to remove any of the blacklisted members, and have the Global Black List enabled.
"some form values (URLs, HTML comments) get rejected by web server firewalls (mod_security)"
The largest change in this release is moving away from using the, MIME::Lite::HTML
module. MIME::Lite::HTML
was an important part of Dada Mail, as it was used to embed images into email messages and was the original engine that turned URL's into email messsages.
But, MIME::Lite
and therefore MIME::Lite::HTML
are known to be a little buggy, and aren't well supported these days, so we've moved to it's larger brother: MIME::Entity
. MIME::Entity
and the rest of the MIME::Tools
collection of modules is already well-entrenched within Dada Mail's codebase. Removing MIME::Lite::HTML also removes a substantial amount of redundant code.
Justin J: Lead Dadaist.url: email: justin@PROTECTED twitter: @dadamail skype: leaddadaist
Dada Mail Announcements:
Start a new thread, email:
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If you are just looking for support Dada Mail, consult the message boards at:
Documentation for Dada Mail:
Specifically, see the Error FAQ:
To post to this list, send a message to:
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Topics that are welcome:
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If you would like to fork, branch, send over PRs, open up issues, etc.
This Privacy Policy is for this mailing list, and this mailing list only.
Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.
We only collect email addresses through our Closed-Loop Opt-In system.
We don't use your email address for any other purpose.
We won't be sharing your email address with any other entity.
Unsubscription can be done at any time. Please contact us at: for any help regarding your subscription, including removal from the mailing list.
All mailing list messages sent from us will include a subscription removal link, which will allow you to remove yourself from this mailing list automatically, and permanently.
All consent to use your email address for any other purpose stated at the time of the mailing list subscription will also be revoked upon mailing list removal.