From: justin@PROTECTED
On Nov 2, 2019, at 3:48 PM, Chris Holt chris.holt@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:
Cron and crontab were also unavailable on the shared host, so I have made and uploaded Schedule::Cron, a cron-like Perl scheduler from metacpan, which seems to be working well. I find, however, that there are periodic messages in the errors file of this type:
Well, what's running the script you've whipped up using, Schedule::Cron? I'm wondering if the problem you're having is more a problem with Unix privileges than anything else. Is Dada Mail via the web server being run by a different user than your scheduler? This isn't so out of the ordinary, where the scheduler/cron is running as a different user than the webserver/Dada Mail, but this problem is usually gotten around by calling Dada Mail via curl - are you doing that, or are you calling it directly?
Also really interesting to me that this shared host account has such limited resources when it comes to niceties, but can be set up to use its own scheduler :)
Justin J: Lead Dadaist.url: email: justin@PROTECTED twitter: @dadamail skype: leaddadaist
Dada Mail Announcements:
On Nov 2, 2019, at 3:48 PM, Chris Holt chris.holt@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:
From: chris.holt@PROTECTED Hello Developers, I have just joined the list. Over the past couple of weeks, I have installed Dada Mail on the shared host of the website of the astronomy society I am involved in, to provide a discussion list.This was not without challenges (ssh cli install only, no CPAN,additional Perl modules for SSL built locally and uploaded, etc) but it is almost ready now for society members' use.
Cron and crontab were also unavailable on the shared host, so I have made and uploaded Schedule::Cron, a cron-like Perl scheduler from metacpan, which seems to be working well. I find, however, that there are periodic messages in the errors file of this type:
[Sat Nov 2 15:45:03 2019] mail.cgi: PID: 48437 Semaphore does not exist to delete at,'/home/very/long/path/user/private/.dada_files/.tmp/scheduledtasks.lock at DADA/App/ line 210.With the scheduler applying the curl command to run Dada every five minutes, 24 of these are written every hour, so the errors file will balloon over time. Assuming this is normal behaviour, do most list admins accept it and find it somehow useful, or should I delve into the code and mute or shorten these messages?
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