Re: GDPR Issues

From: "Mary Ann Kelley maryann@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers]" <dadadev@PROTECTED>
In-Reply-To: (no subject)
Date: May 8th 2018
Doug wrote:
"On this basis I can't agree that the profile fields need canning - if the user has consented then I cannot see why they wouldn't be fine AS LONG AS the Privacy Policy outlines the purpose for holding them, how long for and how they may be used beyond the individual's own use (if at all). Again this is something I don't think you Justin can control in every instance of Dada Mail. So the better way would be  to flag it as I have suggested above or by similar means.”

I agree with this. What is allowed is what is stated in the privacy policy, so it seems that you are only responsible for offering that granularity to to the list owner with the explanation that compliance is on them (kind of like you do with allowing disabling the unsubscribe link - tell them what their responsibilities are but still allow it). 

Justin wrote:
"Dada Mail, since way back in the day, has kept records on things like requests to subscribe, confirming subscriptions, unsubscriptions - stuff like that. That information can be teased into a better format, so that it's documented a little nicer. I can write something that migrates that data over really easily. That way, when people request this data, you can show it to them. Easy!

The biggest issue with these records is that they are currently kept in log files, which grow enormous and unwieldy for large lists. I usually rename my log files after a certain amount of time so a new one can be created, but then the data is inaccessible through the view logs plugin. Could the data in these logs be moved to a database?

"Things like using email addresses for tracking purposes is another thing you'll need consent for (I think?) So, I'll be disabling that  on new mailing lists. I can't see a problem with tracking *anonymous data*, so we can still do that, I guess!

This is like the profile fields - it’s all about the privacy policy. I’m pretty sure all the big mailing services are still tracking and linking it to personally identifiable data, IE the email address. This does not seem to be forbidden under GDPR *as long as it is declared in the privacy policy*. 

That said, I think tracking by using the subscriber’s email address is a bad idea since it is publicly displayed in all of the links. Anytime the email is forwarded that tracking link with the email address is forwarded with it, and the subscriber may not realize that at all. If you decide to keep the personally identifiable tracking (which I think is beneficial and can actually be helpful under GDPR if there is a question under the legitimate interest basis for processing data), it would be much better to append the tracking links with a non-identifiable code rather than an email address, and associate the two in the database. 

Regarding tracking, one of the things that I previously mentioned and that is helpful under GDPR, especially when using legitimate interest as a basis for data processing, is to be able to easily find and remove inactive addresses from the list (or request reconsent). Being able to do a search for subscribers who had not interacted with a list through opens and/or clickthroughs (as specified in an advanced search) is not currently possible and would be a feature that would help list owners with compliance.

The absolute best resource that I have found for GDPR is Suzanne Dibble’s Facebook group. Anyone can join (you don’t have to give your info in the first two boxes (although her checklist is hugely helpful), but you do have to agree to read the pinned post. The group is here:

Suzanne is a data protection attorney in the UK, so she is well-placed to explain the various requirements of the regulations. She answers posts and does videos every day on a variety of topics. In addition to helping you bring Dada into compliance, you might find her stuff helpful as it applies to your role as a data controller (for this list) and a data processor (for when you have access to existing list data during upgrades). 
There is an excellent 2.5 hour GDPR overview video here:

Warm regards,

Mary Ann

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