Hello everyone, v10 8 2 has been released Download and install,
Changelog below,
10 8 0
Custom Mass Mailing Layout
Along with the mass mailing layouts shipped with Dada Mail (Full, Minimal, For Discussion List Messages, Old School) you now have the ability to set your own custom mass mailing layout Look for this feature in the list control panel under, Appearance: Custom Mass Mailing Layout
"Request to Remove" button optional for private lists
First, understand the difference between a public, and private mailing list:
http://dadamailproject com/d/features-public_and_private_lists pod html
For private lists, a new option allows you to set if the Request Removal buttons/links will show in email messages sent with Dada Mail This option can be found in the list control panel under, Mailing List: Options, under, Run This Mailing List As A: Private Mailing List: Show, "Request Removal" links and buttons in email messages
Login changes
If a user tries to access a specific list control panel screen when logged out of Dada Mail, they're redirected to that screen after a successful login Before, the user would be redirected to the default list control panel screen (Send a Message)
Subscribed via the list control panel email template changes
If the option is enabled (disabled by default) to send a user who is subscribed via the list control panel a welcome email, they'll be sent the same email message as they would if they signed up themselves, rather than a different message, using a different email template The previous email template was a bit out of date, and really only duplicated what was in the regular welcome email
Javascript (linked and inline) removed from mass email messages
Javascript found in script tags will be, by default, removed from the source of mass email messages Many times, the inclusion of Javascript in an email message will be grounds for a email filter to flag a message There's no real great reason to have Javascript present in an email message, but sometimes it sneaks in, if you fetch the content of a message via URL
Archive Message Blurb is not shown in listing of archived messages in list page, archive page, or archive search #716
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/716
Start a new thread, email:
This is the developer discussion mailing list for Dada Mail.
If you are just looking for support Dada Mail, consult the message boards at:
Documentation for Dada Mail:
Specifically, see the Error FAQ:
To post to this list, send a message to:
All subscribers of this list may post to the list itself.
Topics that are welcome:
Dada Mail is on Github:
If you would like to fork, branch, send over PRs, open up issues, etc.
This Privacy Policy is for this mailing list, and this mailing list only.
Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.
We only collect email addresses through our Closed-Loop Opt-In system.
We don't use your email address for any other purpose.
We won't be sharing your email address with any other entity.
Unsubscription can be done at any time. Please contact us at: for any help regarding your subscription, including removal from the mailing list.
All mailing list messages sent from us will include a subscription removal link, which will allow you to remove yourself from this mailing list automatically, and permanently.
All consent to use your email address for any other purpose stated at the time of the mailing list subscription will also be revoked upon mailing list removal.