I want to creat new list, but get a Yikes errormessage In errors txt it says:
couldn't tie /home/admin/ dada_files/ tmp/_authstate for reading: Inappropriate ioctl for device; If your server recently upgraded software or moved
Just delete that file, (/home/admin/ dada_files/ tmp/_authstate) and see if things function properly,
If that doesn't work, disable the feature that disables outside logins,
Is there some setting that I have to change so it does not try to connect to Amazon again and again?
It's not trying to connect to the service, it's just trying to load the module that works with the service It's probably benign, but you could try to install the prereqs needed for the service,
Cwd Digest::SHA URI::Escape MIME::Base64 Crypt::SSLeay XML::LibXML
(or just Bundle::DadaMail)
The latest versions of Dada Mail will also be a bit more quieter with these errors,
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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