Howdy everyone, v9 6 0 has been released Here's the announcement:
Download and install,
Changelog below, Cheers!
:: Features
:: Bounce Handler
: Bounce Scorecard now easily exportable
In the Bounce Handler's control panel, look for the new button labeled, Export Scorecard
: Save For Multiple Lists support
Save Bounce Handler preferences for multiple mailing lists at once
:: Scheduled Jobs now can be run without a cronjob
The Scheduled Jobs require a cronjob to be set up, but many times this cronjob is not correctly set up or is removed by accident, causing some of Dada Mail's advanced functonality to not work correctly Now, Dada Mail will periodically run the required Scheduled Jobs, if it thinks the jobs have not been run recently We still strongly suggest to set up the cronjob to have the best experience with using Dada Mail
More information on Dada Mail's Scheduled Jobs (cronjob) http://dadamailproject com/d/features-scheduled_cronjobs pod html
This option can be enabled/disabled in the included installer and is enabled by default More information: http://dadamailproject com/d/install_dada_mail-advanced_configuration pod html#Run-Periodically-After-App-Execution
:: Tracker
: Trend data now exportable
On the default screen of the Tracker plugin, you'll see a table and line graph of basic informaton about the performance of your mass mailings, allowing you to easily to see trends over time This data can do be exported per page presented Look for the link labeled, export page ( csv) to the right of the page navigation
:: Abuse Protection: Detect and Stop Suspicious Activity by IP Address
Dada Mail has may systems to help prevent abuse of it's subscripton system:
• Limiting double subcription confirmation sending
• Rate Limiting attempts by IP Address in a short amount of time
• StopForumSpam Integration
Now Dada Mail can also detect possible suspicious activity by IP Address during a subscription request by looking at trends over time of previous requests If multiple subscription requests are happening from the same IP Address, using different email addresses, the subscription request is blocked
This new feature works well with the current systems: StopForumSpam doesn't always list every email address/IP address that causes abuse, and Dada Mail's own Rate Limiting feature works best for Denial of Service attack attempts, and not suspicious activity that happens slowly over the course of days That's where this new feature comes in
Enabled by default, you may enable/disable the feature in the List Control Panel, in Mailing List - Options, Look for the checkbox labeled, Enable Suspicious IP Address Activity Protection
:: Bugfixes
: Multiple Entries returned for same address if Delivery Preferences are used
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/579
: Installer: Global Mass Mailing Options not read during upgrade
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/580
: Blank PlainText archived messages can cause infinite loop when publicly accessed
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/581
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