Hello everyone,
I've been super busy working on updating Dada Mail to utilize the Zurb Foundation UI Framework (http://foundation zurb com/)
My first goal is to update the sometimes creaky and old HTML that makes up Dada Mail's UI to Zurb Foundation, without customizing it in too many ways, but still make it usable Here's a screenshot of the Send a Message screen, with the HTML rewritten to use Foundation:
The second goal is to then design a new design for Dada Mail, so that it has some of its previous style, but still inherits all the goodies from Foundation One of those goodies is much better support for mobile devices, so that the UI is much more friendly if you're working from your phone/table Here's a shot of another screen in Dada Mail's List Control Panel (List Information), when viewed in using a phone:
The List Control Panel's menu is still available, using the Hamburger button on the top bar there:
So, that's awesome
The second goal is probably going to be done using Foundation's SAAS workflow,
so if YOU want to change things around, you may as well Without any customization, the current UI is a little boring, but pretty usable A little too flat if you ask me, but we can work with that
My last goal, which has been on the back burner forever, is to add some localization/internationalization to Dada Mail - putting the support in the app, and developing a workflow for people who would like to translate the app and don't necessarily have any major programming background That's still, unfortunately far off, but it is something I think about, as I tighten up the code One of my constraints is to take any copy found in the templates and simplify the text, so that there's just less too translate, in the future
So, lots of work done! As I get close to Goal #1, I'll put out a beta release, so you can play around with the new look and feel Functionality should be almost exactly the same as v8 4
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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