(sorry the following message didn't get sent out correctly - my fault!)
From: Moshe Katz moshe@PROTECTED Date: February 14, 2015 at 9:24:15 PM MST To: Dada Mail Developers dadadev@dadamailproject com Subject: Re: v8 0 0 Alpha 1 Released!
I'm sorry for taking so long to report back on my tests on this See below for why
The idea looks great so far However, I haven't managed to get FastCGI to work fully (I was able to see the interface for setup using a CGI Wrapper that I have mentioned on this email list in the past, but I am specifically trying to test FastCGI )
It appears that CGI::Fast has some issues, though I can't seem to find out why See http://serverfault com/questions/664686/perl-cgifast-closes-connections-without-sending-data for details Do you know anything about this, or know anyone who might be able to shed some light?
Here are some other notes:
In the docs, you pointed out that command-line based installation has gone away However, given the new FastCGI support, command-line setup is more important that ever Basically, since I am configuring Dada Mail over FastCGI with Nginx, in order to run the current install script in a browser, I have to start up a whole separate Plack CGI Wrapper just to run the installer I was able to do it because I already had the Plack CGI Wrapper that I used to use with Dada v7 (as mentioned above), but if I hadn't already had that, I would have been stuck I would hazard a guess that it would have taken me longer to set up the "install" script than it took to set up Dada Mail itself once the install script was working
Another change is v8 is the removal of the command-line interface from Bridge, which is also something I have used in the past (though I am currently not using it) I would think that the way to solve that is to create a small wrapper script that accepts the email on the command line and does an HTTP POST into Bridge It's similar to how the "webservices" scripts that you have now work
I left a handful of comments on Github about documentation issues
I see a lot of this message in the log file:
CGI::param called in list context from package DADA::App line 356, this can lead to vulnerabilities
See the warning in "Fetching the value or values of a single named parameter" at /usr/local/share/perl/5
pm line 437,
As always, keep up the good work!
-- Moshe Katz -- moshe@ymkatz net -- +1(301)867-3732
On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 8:08 PM, Justin J justin@dadamailproject com [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:
Hello everyone Good news! The first ALPHA version of v8 of Dada Mail has been released! Major improvements include porting Dada Mail to the CGI::Application framework, and FastCGI support!
I could really use some feedback on this release - especially if you're using FastCGI I need to know if it's working, and what would make your life easier to utilize Dada Mail under FastCGI - it's all unknown territory for me
All these docs are drafts, but I would love feedback on these as well:
Download and install:
v7 -> v8 http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-8_0_0-alpha1/dada7_to_dada8 pod html
Fast CGI support:
Schedule Jobs (cronjobs) - these are completely different in v8:
Thanks everyone Still a lot a work to be done, but a ton of work has been completed already Compared to the master branch:
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