git diff --oneline --shortstat v6_6_1-stable_2013_09_16...v6_7_0-beta2_2013_09_24
111 files changed, 13423 insertions(+), 10131 deletions(-)
v6.7.0 beta 2 has 6,163 passing tests in its suite:
Test Summary Report
Files=89, Tests=6163, 503 wallclock secs ( 1.62 usr 0.51 sys + 113.65 cusr 26.32 csys = 142.10 CPU)
Result: PASS
Download and install (Pro Dada version available)
Changelog: (and below):
One of the things I've been working on is fleshing out the RESTful API, so that you can make Dada Mail subscription requests from most any programming language from most anywhere. One example is the included jQuery plugin, that allows you to handle subscription requests via ajax, and show the results in a modal window - you can use it right now on the top form of,
as well as the default screen of Dada Mail,
and each List's screen:
An explanation of the API, as well as examples of using it in JavaScript and Perl are in the Subscription Cookbook
Features 6.7.0
Mass Mailing: Save as Draft
Dada Mail now supports saving unfinished messages, called Drafts.
In past versions of Dada Mail, it was always awkward to keep an unfinished copy of your message: You would either have to keep a browser window always open with your unfinished message, save your message in a different place (in a text file on your computer), or another awkward solution. Thankfully, that's no more.
Dada Mail can now save a Draft message right in the, "Send a Message", or "Send a Wepage" screen. Messages are also auto-saved automatically every minute, in case your browser window inadvertantly is closed by accident. Draft messages will also be saved, whenever you send out a test mass mailing.
An unlimited number of draft messages may be saved, viewed, edited - and if you want to start over, you may cancel the message, and delete the draft.
All form fields available to you in the, "Send a Message", and "Send a Webpage" screen are saved, when a draft is saved, including message headers, message body, and all the other Options available: Archive Options Partial Mailing List Sending Options, File Attachments, and Testing Options.
Mass Mailing: File Attachments
File Attachment uploading is now handled by the included KCFinder web file manager. This allows you to easily upload attachments before sending a message out, as well as attach files already uploaded.
Attachments can now also be removed from your messages easily.
The included Dada Mail Installer now allows you to configure the CAPTCHA system that comes with Dada Mail. Dada Mail comes shipped with support for its own CAPTCHA system, as well as reCAPTCHA. Dada Mail also has support for the reCAPTCHA Mailhide system, to protect email addresses in its public message archives.
These options are located under the, Advanced Configuration (Optional) heading, and is available in our Pro Dada distribution.
jQuery Dada Mail subscription plugin
Dada Mail now ships with a jQuery plugin, to help with creating subscription forms, as well as handling the requests from them in a modal window. This means users do not have to be redirected away from your main website, to Dada Mail, if they would like to sign up for a mailing list of yours.
Dada Mail now uses this plugin's functionality itself, and subscription forms on the default screen of Dada Mail, as well as on each mailing list's List Page are now enabled to use the modal window jQuery plugin way of doing things.
This plugin has 100% support for graceful degredation, if a user uses Dada Mail, without having JavaScript enabled.
See the Subscription Cookbook docs, for more information about this plugin:
Changes 6.7.0
Send Mass Mailing Buttons: Always on Top
The group of buttons in the, Send a Message and Send a Webpage screens now always float on top of the form itself, making it easier to always have Draft Saving/Canceling and Mass Mailing Testing/Sending available to you.
Subscription Requests Approving/Denying Options
Options for Subscription Requests Approving/Denying have now been expanded:
You may now set a custom Rediect (with, or without a query string) for Subscription request approvals, or denials.
You may now also set custom HTML to be shown to let your users know their request must be approved by the List Owner.
Expanded RESTful API
The RESTful API for mailing list subscriptions has been expanded to include support for custom URL redirects, as well as working with situations where additional information is required from a user, to successfully complete a request.
skype: leaddadaist