Hello All,I just wanted to share my experience getting Dada Mail to work on nginx. Nginx does not have built in support for traditional CGI applications (of which Dada Mail is one), so it won't work out of the box.To make a very long story short, here is the Plack wrapper script to use:use Plack::App::CGIBin;use Plack::Builder;use Path::Class qw( file );my $path = file($0)->absolute->dir;my $app = Plack::App::CGIBin->new(root => $path, exec_cb => sub { 1 } )->to_app;builder {mount "/" => $app; # This will run the app in the root of the web site; change as necessary.};You will, of course, need to install the appropriate Plack CPAN modules (and be prepared to wait a very long time for the install to complete).I used Starman to run the Plack script, but you can use any Plack-compatible server that you want.Note that the "exec_cb => sub { 1 }" is extremely important. Without that line, you will have some things that work, but most won't, because the application will think that it is running as the folder name it is in, instead of as the CGI script itself. (In other words, "self_url" will return "http://lists.example.com/" instead of "http://lists.example.com/dada/mail.cgi".)Note also that I'm not done setting up and testing yet, so don't rely on this for production (yet).Moshe
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