I got a little sidetracked with the, "Save as Draft" feature this weekend, as someone pointed out to me that Dada Mail, if it has a failure with sending out a message, basically does so pretty silently - there may be an error in the error log, but there's no real reporting on it" how many addresses failed? Which ones?
So, I put in place a simple system that checks to see if a sending was successful (no errors, basically), if there is an error, it'll try two more times with the same address, after giving the sending process a little break If that doesn't work, Dada Mail will exit from mass sending completely, to be picked up later, after a larger pause The address causing problems will be remembered
Once started up again, it'll try again on that same address and again, give it 3 more times to send out If that doesn't work, that address will be logged, and skipped over I now have to work on reporting those messages, which you can view in the tracker plugin It'll be an addition to the, "Delivered/Soft Bounce/Hard Bounce" pie chart, ("failed" or, "undelivered" - something like that)
Most mass mailing problems on shared servers is from going over a hourly email rate - usually that rate is known if you ask a person (support!), but not poll-able programmatically (many headaches) At the very least, this will highlight that, yes there is a problem and what addresses seem to have fallen through
One other idea is to, after a mass mailing has gone through, is to again, try out those addresses that had errors when sending to That could potentially help those who SEE a problem, make changes to their sending options to compensate, and then have their already-being-sent mass mailing retry failed addresses, with those new settings
Anyways, it seems like a righteous feature to take a little time out a try to make better
I also added the option to configure all the Debug/Tracing stuff Dada Mail currently supports - just check the boxes that you want to have extra-added debugging for Like all the other options in the installer, those choices will be remembered, after upgrade,
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