v6.3.0 Released

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: April 9th 2013

Hello Everyone,

v6 3 0 of Dada Mail is now released:

Installation Instructions http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-6_3_0/install_dada_mail pod html Dada Mail 6 3 0 Stable ( tar gz) http://dadamail googlecode com/files/dada-6_3_0 tar gz uncompress_dada cgi script (Save Link/Page As…) https://raw github com/justingit/dada-mail/v6_3_0-stable_2013_04_08/uncompress_dada cgi


Summary 6 3 0

v6 3 0 of Dada Mail comes with enhancements to Dada Mail's Amazon SES sending support, Gravatar support, block css to inline css conversion for HTML messages (experimental), and support for tracking email addresses on message opens/clickthroughs

Features 6 3 0

Amazon SES setup: Vastly Simplified

Dada Mail's included installer now supports setting up Amazon SES for you - all you'll need to do is give it your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key

You no longer need to set up a seperate aws-credentials file, or download, configure and install any outside Amazon SES scripts

The installer will check to make sure all required CPAN modules are installed, and also has a small tester utility to make sure Amazon SES is working Be warned that Amazon SES sending does have a long list of prerequisites, some of which may need to be seperately installed via CPAN

The installer will also be able to detect your previous Amazon SES settings, when you decide to upgrade

More information on Dada Mail and Amazon SES:

http://dadamailproject com/d/features-amazon_ses_support pod html

Email Tracking for Opens/Clickthroughs

Dada Mail can now be set to optionally track email addresses, when tracking Clickthroughs and Message Opens These address can currently be exported per mass mailing This feature is somewhat experimental, as features that can stem from this new ability will be vastly expanded on in the future We'd like to get the feature out there, in it's current state, to start gathering information to be used for analytic support and gain feedback on this new feature

This feature also requires changes to Dada Mail's SQL schema, which should happen automatically during the first run of Dada Mail, right after an upgrade One can perform these changes manually, by issuing the following SQL:

    ALTER TABLE dada_clickthrough_url_log ADD email VARCHAR(80);
    ALTER TABLE dada_mass_mailing_event_log ADD email VARCHAR(80);

The option to track email addresses is located in the Tracker's list control panel screen, under, Preferences - Track with Email Addresses

Mass Mailings: Convert CSS