This looks like a very nice app and I just purchased a lifetime subscription with the hopes this can facilitate a service we provide and I have some questions. If I am asking questions that have already been answered, please forgive me.
I was experimenting with profile fields and partial list sending and noticed that the search was case sensitive. I looked at the schema sql and the table is explicitly created with the utf8_bin collation. Why not set it as utf8_general_ci?
I noticed there is no support for required profile fields beyond the email address. Looks like this could be handled fairly easily through a custom template and javascript, however, are there any plans to support this natively?
Is there a way to set a profile field as a select list natively? Again this seems like something that can be done via a custom template.
Now I have a question about upgrading. The version I have is pro 6.2.1. I noticed that there was a post about email tracking. The service we run is used by a hospital group to send out transactional and relational email to their employees regarding policy, CME, etc… Granted, if the email is opened in text only the tracking will not work, however, I would like to test the email tracking feature out. I noticed on Git that there is a branch for this as well as for 6.2.2. The email tracking branch has older timestamps. Does the 6_2_2 contain that? To upgrade, do I follow the same procedure used to install or simply extract the 6_2_2 branch over the existing install? And if I do, will that downgrade the subscription to the GPL version?
Well, that’s all for now. Excellent job and thank you for your consideration.
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