That's pretty neat. I should probably be less than lazy and do this myself, but I'm curious: is the whole template in an editor window, with certain parts, "locked" out, or, is the whole document just on the page, and the user clicks in the areas that they may edit?
On Nov 30, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Michael Sagaser wrote:
> Everywhere there is an edit string, the user can click in that
> portion and begin adding content - they just can't alter the structure of the
> box in which they are typing. The IF statements are used to help personalize the
> emails.
I was looking for support for the former in CKeditor, etc, but I can't find anything, somewhat surprisingly. The latter is a lot easier of an idea, and tools exist to do something similar.
That would make authoring fancy messages much more easier for people with limited editing skills, so long as someone sets all the fancy things up, for them.
Justin J: Lead Dadaist.
email: justin@PROTECTED
skype: leaddadaist
* Unsubscribe: Nov 30, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Michael Sagaser wrote:
> Justin,
> Mailchimp's edit tags help separate the content from the structure of the
> template. That way, anyone that wants to can add content without mucking around
> in the HTML of the template. You are right that it is in some way tied to their
> content editor. Everywhere there is an edit string, the user can click in that
> portion and begin adding content - they just can't alter the structure of the
> box in which they are typing. The IF statements are used to help personalize the
> emails.
> Michael Sagaser
> CISSP, Security+, C|EH, ISAM
> Information Systems Security
> System/Network Administration
> Web Development Consulting
> On 11/30/2012 1:20 AM, Justin J wrote:
>> Here's a whole bunch:
>> It would be *fairly* trivial to translate these from MailChimp-specific templates to Dada Mail-specific templates. You can kind of see how MailChimp-style template tags work - here's their unsub tag:
>> *|UNSUB|*
>> Just replace that with Dada Mail's unsub tag:
>> <!-- tmpl_var list_unsubscribe_link -->
>> We could literally run these template tags through a simple perl script and spit out Dada Mail-specific templates.
>> There's a few tags that I'm really not familiar with, like:
>> <div mc:edit="monkeyrewards">
>> </div>
>> I don't really understand what, "mc:edit="monkeyrewards"" is all about - I'm sure something fancy hooked up to their own editor or something. Probably could just remove that whole block ;)
>> Anyways, a good place to start? I'm not sure if the license would be something that would be compatible with the GPL v2, but there's no reason why these can't be available somewhere to download.
> --
> * Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED
> * Unsubscribe:
* Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED
Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED
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