Hi Justin,
I was not wanting to upgrade to the latest version of DadaMail just yet, but I need the KCFinder upload ability If I need to run the installer, I guess I will bite the bullet and make the jump Two questions: 1) Is it possible to install the newest version and test it out concurrently before committing my current installation? 2) What directories do I need to backup to preserve my current installation so no matter what I do, I can revert back to my current install? - just \cgi-bin\dada\, \fkceditor\, and dada_files\? Anything else?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Justin J" justin@PROTECTED To: "Dada Mail Developers" dadadev@PROTECTED Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 1:01 AM Subject: [dadadev] Re: Uploading pictures
On Nov 6, 2012, at 10:34 PM, Carl Kuczun wrote:

Here's the docs for the WYSIWYG editors, and KCFinder, the file browser/uploader,
http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-5_2_1/features-wysiwyg_editors pod html
It's pretty clear on how to install - use the Installer to put it all together There's a lot going on to integrate everything and it's far easier to let the installer do it But basically, I'm following what's put on the KCFinder site:
http://kcfinder sunhater com/docs/integrate
It'll configure Dada Mail and KCFinder to work together If you want to reverse engineer that, that would be an interesting exercise, but I'm not putting together the recipe, as it's not really set in stone on how best to do all this I'm learning by doing myself, you know Once the installer is done, look in the kcfinder/config php file to see how KCfinder is configured for Dada Mail
To enable it, you should set 'disabled' => false in \kcfinder\config php, but it is recommended by the DadaMail documentation that you not do that
That's not what you want to do - you don't want to disable this in the config, but rather have the sessioning system do it for you And this is not a recommendation, it's how everything works a little more securely than, "Completely wide open" If you set that variable to, false, ie: disabled' => false in the config, you're opening your site for attack I made the all these changes because the included FCKeditor file browser/uploader is woefully insecure
There is also a reference to change the variable $FILE_BROWSER_OPTIONS, but it doesn't say where that variable is, and I can find it anywhere
All variables that are upper case are config variables, you can grab the default from the dada/DADA/Config pm file There's more docs on that,
http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-5_2_1/Config pm html#how_to_place_new_variables_in_your_outside_config_file
Is there some clear documenation as to how one can enable picture uploads for emails? Surely, I'm not the first to want to do this
Install Dada Mail with the installer, it's so much easier Configuration is only going to get more complicated and the Installer is only getting better v6 installer will be another good improvement, which I'll try to touch upon on the v5 -> v6 docs
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