Hello Everyone,
I've been working on getting the speed of sending using Amazon SES a little faster if you haven't checked out Amazon SES and you have large lists you need to send out quicker than the performance that you're seeing with your local mail server, do check it out:
Using the example scripts that Amazon includes, you can get sending speeds of around 1 message/second, but Amazon does support much faster rates It seems that there's some overhead with making the connection to the service, every time you connect to it - which is every time you send a message, using their scripts
I decided to optimize the included scripts and optimize a few things Instead of calling a separate command, I just made it possible to easily call the service directly I also made the connection to the service persistent, so you don't need to connect to service for each message you send
Still testing this all out, but it says around 3 - 5 seconds per message that you send - of course YMMV Doesn't sound like much, but it does cut sending times by a third, which is nice
I've released those changes as their separate project, so you can use it (eventually) in other apps, besides Dada Mail:
Changes to Dada Mail itself can be tracked:
This will probably be released in a stable form for v4 9 of Dada Mail, along with (currently) the new date tags and the bounce handler enhancements
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