RE: Further Tracker Enhancements

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: May 23rd 2011

On May 20, 2011, at 9:16 PM, Mary Ann wrote:

Cool, especially seeing bounces by domain That would be a huge help because by the time I realize there might be a blacklist problem, I'm usually seeing mass unsubscribes by the bounce handler

Yup, that's exactly why I decided to experiment with this chart

I've been thinking about the bounce handler, and how it would be great if it could recognize when a message is bouncing because the IP is blocked and count that as a soft bounce instead of a hard bounce It would give us time to get off the blacklist before the bounce scorecard has high enough scores to remove the address [ ] Is that something that could be done?

It is, in fact, something that can happen, since the rules are fairly flexible Here's an example of a bounce from comcast:

[Mon Apr  4 04:40:04 2011]  thsm    add_to_score 4  hapless_email@comcast
Simplified-Message-Id:  20110404030036, 
Bounce_To: bounces@example
Status: 5
Bounce_From: Mail Delivery System <Mailer-Daemon@example
std_reason: unknown, 
Message-Id:  <20110404030036
Guessed_MTA: Exim, 
Bounce_Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender, 

Sadly, there's not much to go on There's no part of the log that says, "the sender has been black listed, etc, etc, etc" This is pretty usual I wish I had a copy of the actual bounced email to play with, instead of just what's being logged, but I'll get to that

So, to take this as an example, we can write a new rule for the bounce handler to give an email address from, "comcast net" a score of, "1" instead of "4" when the bounce handler finds the above from its parsing Here's the workflow I'm using:


{ # same as above, but without the Diagnostic_Code_regex

error_5dot5dot1_status_soft_bounce => { 
    Examine => {
        Message_Fields => {
            Status                =>  [qw(5
    Data => { 
            Email => 'is_valid', 
            List  => 'is_valid',
    Action => { 
                add_to_score => $Plugin_Config->{Default_Soft_Bounce_Score},


Sadly (again), there's no way the bounce handler can, using the rules, figure out where the email address is from (quite the oversight!), so right now, that above rule will match every bounced email that brings back a Status of, 5 x y That's not really good enough

So for this to work, I have to enhance the bounce handler so that we can use the email address that's associated with the bounced message in the rules/filtering system

Seems worth it to make that change,

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