On May 8, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Mary Ann wrote:
So is there potential for geotargeting email messages if one were to subscribe to such an IP database? Since my lists are to homeschoolers and there are some companies that offer virtual public schools only in certain states, I get geo-targeting requests a lot If so, how would one go about integrating the IP database with dada to only email people in select geographic areas?
There isn't, no, since much like what Lee-Ann wants to do with saving the subscription date to use to perhaps filter a mass mailing to only send to subscribers of a specific date (for example: only people who subscribed since the last message went out), there's just no field in the database schema to capture and save the IP address of where the subscription is coming from
What you can do, if you had more granularity within the IP Address lookup database is see where opens/clickthroughs are coming from and then make a message, perhaps targeting that specific area Say you're getting a lot of clickthrough/opens in I dunno, Iowa :) If you have a Profile field for, "state" you could potentially send a message only to your Iowians that way But it's not a case where you can go, "These specific email addresses are coming from Iowa, so let's send an Iowa-specific message to these specific email addresses"
Although the data could help you with finding new markets for things Say you have a strong open/clickthrough rate in Argentina, so some odd reason That's worth investigating, perhaps :)
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