Re: dadadev Re: V4 beta3

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: November 3rd 2009

On Nov 2, 2009, at 11:32 PM, Peter Velan wrote:

After some investigation I managed to reproducibly bring up this error with following constellation:

Send a Message: - Subject: � - Body: plain ASCII

[Send Test Message]

I sent the test message with "�" in subject three times varying Default Character Set in "Advanced Sending Preferences" as follows - Default Character Set: "UTF8 UTF8" - Default Character Set: "German (de) iso-8859-1" - Default Character Set: "German (de) windows-1252"

In all three cases I got

mail cgi: Wide character in print at /dadapath/mail cgi line 1554

in the error log

I could not trigger the error with other non-ASCII chars like umlauts (���), szligatur (�), superscripts (��) or � All these characters have a numeric represantion < 128!

I had more luck with "�" (numeric representation: 161)

Looking into this, it seems that the problem just happens in the,
mailing monitor screen, when Dada Mail prints the subject with the �
character in it It gets printed correctly, but the error is raised
This is most likely because the information coming into Dada Mail from
the Mailing List Message forms isn't decoded right, and then when Dada
Mail prints out the HTML back to the browser, in this case, for the
Mailing Monitor screen, it doesn't encode it correctly back

This is the clearest explanation I can find out what to do:


There's a lot of flaming hoops to be jumped through, to make this
work, correctly - especially with a codebase that's, in some places 10
years old, written by some punk in college (cough) If you take this
one example, it's pretty easy to figure out and fix, but in the entire
program, it's not even a headache - it's a nightmare I keep notes
about UTF-8 support at:


And add to it, when I find something new I'm still trying to find the
best way to do things There's a lot of competing and conflicting
ideas Sigh

So the, UTF-8 support in Dada Mail is still a work in progress and
probably will be, for a little while

The stylesheet will go along for the ride, as well There's no way to say, "embed the stylesheet, not the images", I don't think

If I understand you correctly, then the "embedding option" will embed any linked in files like images, stylesheets, javascripts media-files, Nice to know!

May be the option

Images in this Webpage Should: be embedded in the message itself

should be worded a little bit differently, then

Actually, if I look at this even closer, the stylesheet will be
embedded, without this option enabled, which is good - you don't want
to link to an outside stylesheet in an email message

What's bad - or what's annoying is that linked javascript files will
be embedded as well Javascript is usually disabled in mail readers
for security purposes and a large javascript library can really take
up some size in an email message

The good news is, there may be a way to stop that, as there's an
actual method in the code specifically to grab Javascript stuff If
there's a method, perhaps I can tweak the code to accept a parameter
to tell the module to embed or skip over things like javascript

I have a feeling this has all been talked about by me (or someone
else) before, but no work was done for it

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