Re: |redirect| tag versus |subscriber| fields tag replacement

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: October 9th 2009

On Oct 9, 2009, at 3:44 PM, Alex Judd wrote:

I have used the | symbol instead of the [[ or ]] bracket symbol now
so hopefully the mail now makes sense!

Annoying, isn't it? Tags shouldn't really be replaced in discussion
lists, imho It always leads to problems ;)

So that if you have URLs containing information such as the segment
of the database you are emailing, the redirect seems to include the
in the link rather than substituting the values first, then
creating the redirect

I understand exactly what you're saying and I think you're right If
you do write a redirect with a tag, the tag isn't really ever going to
be replaced with the value Here's why:

When you send a message with a redirect, before Dada Mail makes a mass
mailing, it'll scan a message and find all those redirects and save
them in its DB, giving back the shortened redirect URL for Dada Mail
to then replace in the messages

It only does this once, so that it doesn't have to do it for every
message - which literally could be thousands of messages - a pretty
big performance hit!

Since all the redirect URLs are the same for all messages (erm, for
each different redirect link you have), they won't be able to be

Now - you've raised a really interesting application for dynamic
redirects - truly I like the idea, and I think there should be
someway to do what you're doing I'll put this in the features request

The clickthrough tracker is one of those things that needs to be
looked at a lot closer in the immediate future I know on this list
we've punting some good ideas that the current clickthrough backend
just can't handle - it's very simple I think a big problem is the way
the clickthrough information is saved - just as a plain text log That
has some serious performance issues

The other big problem is the UI to see this information - it just
doesn't give you enough tools to play with the information Not enough
fancy graphs, and such ;)

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