Hello everyone,
I just created a new branch for an experimental feature to allow the
list owner of a mailing list to approve or deny subscriptions
I know
this is one of those features that gets requested a lot and I guess I
had an itch to scratch
If you've ever wanted to know what that type of change in the program
looks like (well, a rough first stab at it) here's the entire commit:
This will be marked, "experimental" in the next version of Dada Mail,
but should be there, fairly full functional, to be used and enjoyed
Here's a (rough) summary of the feature:
Subscription Approval System for Dada Mail!
Subscription Approval allows the list owner of a mailing list to
make the final decision of if a would-be subscriber is allowed to join a mailing list
What's neat is that the entire rest of the subscription process,
including the closed-loop opt-in can still be enabled and used -
this just tacks on (yet) another step
The other neat thing is, if you find some of those other steps
and redundant, this allows you to have another, alternative and
confirmation process, without giving up too much security
Status - Experimental!
This feature is quite new in Dada Mail and experimental
Have fun
with it!
This feature can be enabled per list, in the list control panel
Your Mailing list - Mailing List Options
Looking for the fieldset labeled,
Subscription Requests Approving/Denying (Experimental)
Check the option labeled,
Enable Subscription Requests Approving/Denying
All set!
When a would-be subscriber completes the subscription confirmation
process, they'll be told that their subscription is being held
until the list owner approves it
At the same time, an email message will be sent to the list
owner, with instructions on how to approve, or deny a subscription
The list owner may also log into their mailing list control panel
and view all the awaiting addresses to be approved by visiting:
Your Subscribers - View
Click the button on the top labeled,
Subscription Requests
This should present the list owner with the entire list of
addresses that are awaiting approval
There are two buttons to act upon this list of address
Check the addresses you'd like to work with and either press the
button labeled,
Approved Checked Subscription Requests
to approve requests, or press the button labeled,
Deny Checked Subscription Requests
to deny requests
This is a new, experimental feature and we'd like feedback on how
it's working for everyone Let us know!
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
This is the developer discussion mailing list for Dada Mail.
If you are just looking for support Dada Mail, consult the message boards at:
Documentation for Dada Mail:
Specifically, see the Error FAQ:
To post to this list, send a message to:
All subscribers of this list may post to the list itself.
Topics that are welcome:
Dada Mail is on Github:
If you would like to fork, branch, send over PRs, open up issues, etc.
This Privacy Policy is for this mailing list, and this mailing list only.
Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.
We only collect email addresses through our Closed-Loop Opt-In system.
We don't use your email address for any other purpose.
We won't be sharing your email address with any other entity.
Unsubscription can be done at any time. Please contact us at: justin@dadamailproject.com for any help regarding your subscription, including removal from the mailing list.
All mailing list messages sent from us will include a subscription removal link, which will allow you to remove yourself from this mailing list automatically, and permanently.
All consent to use your email address for any other purpose stated at the time of the mailing list subscription will also be revoked upon mailing list removal.