Re: Mail doesn't start for over 10 minutes.

From: "John Collins" <john@PROTECTED>
Date: September 8th 2009

After testing this start up delay over and over and trying to find
errors in the hosting logs, I have an uneducated theory that will be
easy to test

Please send me the page/area to change the sending monitor repeat rate
from 10 secs to a minute or more Also the code to change the default
setting for the sending monitor refresh rate to be set to off

What I'm guessing is that my large emails, 160kb plus large user
database, plus extra fields in settings database, plus perhaps a
hosting anomaly is causing either the app or perl to hiccup when the
sending monitor attempts to reload before the email is compiled and
sending starts

Just a guess, but I found that if I turn the monitor off, sending
starts more quickly Also I've had issues with server errors when I
leave the monitor on when sending to the large list



BTW - on Dada Pro 3 04, mysql db

On Sep 7, 2009, at 1:05 PM, John Collins wrote:


This started about a month ago on my main list; it's getting worse

I send out one, sometimes two emails a week to about 32,000 The
emails are typically around 150-160k, html (the other list, a new one, is working fine, but the list is much
smaller and the emails are also much smaller and the list has no

What's happening is the mail doesn't want to start sending It tries
over and over, refreshing the status screen every 10 secs The
delay getting longer and can be as much as 5 mins or more before it
starts Once it starts all is fine including the send speed (about
6,000-7,000 per hour)

The Monitor screen says that Dada is "Restarting the Mailing " It
does this a bunch of times and then displays a message that the
mailing appears to be stopped Nevertheless, it still refreshes
every 10 secs until it eventually starts I even had a 500 server
error on one refresh and had to restart the vps

I have long suspected an issue with the monitor screen and have
wondered if it tries to redraw the screen before a process is
through and that could be tripping errors Is it possible to change
the refresh rate from 10 to 60 secs?

FWIW, this is a very old list I compared the settings table
(mysql) to a much newer list and found some extra numbered rows in
the problem list Example = MNM 45257638092320081015102825,http://www IEmixer com MNM 780409719989 20081015102825,http://www meetingsandmixers com/sp where MON id the list short name THere's a couple dozen of these I wondered if there was some corruption in the settings

Got a whole lot of Dada errors here's the log [Mon Sep 7 13:05:48 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/ Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:05:50 2009] mail cgi:
couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:05:51 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7
13:05:51 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:05:52 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7
13:05:59 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:02 2009]
mail cgi: Couldn't open, '// dada_files/ tmp/sendout-MNM- list-20090907113152 31992266_at_meetingsandmixers com/batchlock txt'
because: No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 587
[Mon Sep 7 13:06:03 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/ Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:05 2009] mail cgi:
Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7
13:06:12 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:12 2009]
mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636
[Mon Sep 7 13:06:13 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:15 2009]
mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:15 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:16
2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:18 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:20
2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:28 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:30
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:33 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at / DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:34 2009] mail cgi:
Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7
13:06:36 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:38 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7
13:06:38 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:41 2009]
mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:43 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7
13:06:48 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:49 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:53
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:54 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:55 2009]
mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636
[Mon Sep 7 13:06:55 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:06:57 2009]
mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636
[Mon Sep 7 13:06:57 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:02 2009]
mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:08 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:10
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:10 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:14 2009]
mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636
[Mon Sep 7 13:07:15 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:16 2009]
mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636
[Mon Sep 7 13:07:19 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/ Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:22 2009] mail cgi:
couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:23 2009] mail cgi: Problems
filling out the 'Sending Monitor' admin menu item with interesting
bits of information about the mailouts: Couldn't open,
'// dada_files/ tmp/sendout-MNM- list-20090907115433 07320013_at_meetingsandmixers com/batchlock txt'
because: No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 587
[Mon Sep 7 13:07:24 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/ Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:29 2009] mail cgi:
Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7
13:07:30 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:34 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:35
2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:36 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:37
2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:38 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:46
2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:48 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7
13:07:48 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:49 2009]
mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636
[Mon Sep 7 13:07:51 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/ Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:55 2009] mail cgi:
couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:55 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:57
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:07:59 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at / DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:01 2009] mail cgi:
couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:03 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7
13:08:09 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:11 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:14
2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:15 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:17
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:20 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at / DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:31 2009] mail cgi:
Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7
13:08:32 2009] mail cgi: DBI
connect('dbname=dadamaildb;host=localhost;port=3306','dadauser', )
failed: Too many connections at /DADA/App/DBIHandle pm line 163 [Mon
Sep 7 13:08:32 2009] mail cgi: can't connect to db: at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1086 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:32 2009] mail cgi: DBD driver has
not implemented the AutoCommit attribute at /usr/local/perl-5 8 8/ lib/site_perl/5 8 8/i686-linux/DBI pm line 678 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:36
2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:45 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7
13:08:51 2009] mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file:
'// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or
directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1233 [Mon Sep 7 13:08:57 2009]
mail cgi: couldn't delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/ MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:01 2009] mail cgi: couldn't
delete lock file: '// dada_files/ tmp/MNM_clickthroughdb lock' - No
such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/Send pm line 1232 [Mon Sep 7
13:09:02 2009] mail cgi: Couldn't open, '// dada_files/ tmp/sendout- MNM-list-20090907113152 31992266_at_meetingsandmixers com/ batchlock txt' because: No such file or directory at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 587 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:02 2009] mail cgi: DBI
connect('dbname=dadamaildb;host=localhost;port=3306','dadauser', )
failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/ mysql sock' (2) at /DADA/App/DBIHandle pm line 163 [Mon Sep 7
13:09:02 2009] mail cgi: can't connect to db: at /DADA/MailingList/ Settings/baseSQL pm line 64 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:02 2009] mail cgi: DBI
connect('dbname=dadamaildb;host=localhost;port=3306','dadauser', )
failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/ mysql sock' (2) at /DADA/App/DBIHandle pm line 163 [Mon Sep 7
13:09:02 2009] mail cgi: Problems filling out the 'Sending Monitor'
admin menu item with interesting bits of information about the
mailouts: can't connect to db: at /DADA/MailingList/Settings/ baseSQL pm line 64 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:02 2009] mail cgi: DBI
connect('dbname=dadamaildb;host=localhost;port=3306','dadauser', )
failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/ mysql sock' (2) at /DADA/App/DBIHandle pm line 163 [Mon Sep 7
13:09:02 2009] mail cgi: can't connect to db: at /DADA/MailingList/ Settings/baseSQL pm line 64 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:13 2009] mail cgi:
Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7
13:09:14 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:17 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:19
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:20 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at / DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:32 2009] mail cgi:
Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7
13:09:33 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:36 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:37
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:39 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at / DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:50 2009] mail cgi:
Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7
13:09:50 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/ MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:53 2009] mail cgi: Reloading
message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:54
2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line
1636 [Mon Sep 7 13:09:56 2009] mail cgi: Reloading message at / DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1636



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============================= John Collins Meetings and Mixers PO Box 80461
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-0461 949-689-7070 info@meetingsandmixers com http://www meetingsandmixers com

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