am 23 07 2009 08:01 schrieb Barry Page:
Here is something a little bit interesting When I send a message to the list, the incorrect time is being picked up somewhere in the chain This doesn't happen if I send a test message, only if I send it to the list If you look at the headers of a sample message you might see that somewhere it is taking my time zone of UTC+12 (correct) and applying UTC-12 (incorrect) It looks like this is happening in the Dada cgi, as the other servers/services in the chain seem to have the correct timezone I am using sendmail as the smtp server with linux I have checked the time settings and they appear fine I check all mail going in and out using spamassassin, and it is applying quite a heavy spam score because time is in the future, so I can reasonably assume that some mail is being eliminated before reaching subscribers mailboxes
Any thoughts? Is this a dada bug or something in my setup? Using 3 0 3 Stable
[ ] Received: (from apache@localhost) by locallywired net (8 13 8/8 13 8/Submit) id n6JMV1BH004485; Mon, 20 Jul 2009 10:31:01 +1200 Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 10:31:01 -1200 [ ] Subject: Greenhithe Residents and Ratepayers Assoc AGM reminder DATE_IN_FUTURE_24_48,HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_32,HTML_MESSAGE autolearn=no version=3 2 4 vmfedora locallywired net
Uuh, interesting!
I had a date related problem with Dada 2 x (archived messages sent to new susbcribers had original, old date and are penalized by spamassassin at receivers side) and wanted to upgrade to 3 x Because of some (other) problems during the 2 -> 3 migration I decided to stay with 2 x at the moment
My temporary kludge: "Rewrite date header of every Dada emitted email " (mailserver is Exim)
Greetings, Peter
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