Hi justin
We'll try upgrading to 3 0 2 and let you how we get on!
Sent from my iPhone
On 19 Jan 2009, at 21:05, "Justin J" justin@PROTECTED wrote:
Can we just upgrade the Guts part or do you recommend a whole
upgrade (and to which version???) :-)Just replacing the, "Guts pm" file isn't going to make any
difference at allIf you're wary of doing a full upgrade - which is what I really do
suggest, you could try replacing the,dada/DADA/App/DBIHandle pm
with the version that comes with 3 0 2 You'll also have to change
up the Config pm variable, "$DBI_PARAMS" to this:$DBI_PARAMS ||= { InactiveDestroy => 0, pg_server_prepare => 0, mysql_auto_reconnect => 1, dada_connection_method => 'connect_cached', };
There's a ton of itsy-bitsy little things that were fixed throughout
the code - I do highly suggest upgrading fully-- Justin J
Dada Mail - Write Once: Distribute Everywhere Software url: http://dadamailproject com
Demo: http://demo dadamailproject com
Seen Dada Mail 3? http://dadamailproject com/features/3_0/
On Jan 19, 2009, at 1:07 PM, Alex Judd wrote:
Hi Justin
We're early adopters here so according to the code it's the first
version of 3 0 :-)$VERSION = 3 0 0; $VER = '3 0 0';
Can we just upgrade the Guts part or do you recommend a whole
upgrade (and to which version???) :-)Alex
On 01/19/2009 07:45 PM, Justin J wrote: >
On Jan 19, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Alex Judd wrote:
We are hitting some problems with the SQL backend on the new Dada
3 that it is maxing out our max_user_connections setting in mySQL as it
appears to spawn child processes that don't reuse the DB connection that is
createdHuh - what version of Dada Mail specifically is this? The newest
version should always reuse the SQL connection, except when mass
mailing, where it has to make one (1) moreHere's what Dada Mail uses to cache connections:
http://search cpan org/~timb/DBI-1 607/DBI pm#connect_cached
There's a lot of code - even in the newish Dada Mails that use
this, that attempt to cache the database connection itself
Although it probably worked, it didn't work quite as well, and not
all the time, so this is a pretty good replacement--
Post: dadadev@PROTECTED
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