Hello everyone,
I've sort of kept my mouth shut about the new features and updates on
them - well, here we go:
I'm currently just cleaning up the codebase, to put in the actual
I'm started with the user-editable subscription fields
feature and you can check out and read along (and kept track, really)
my progress on that branch:
http://github com/justingit/dada-mail/commits/feature-subscriber_editable_fields
The current plan is to rip the current API into a few, smaller things:
an object to represent a collection of subscribers (basically, a
mailing list)
an object to represent one subscriber (a member of the mailing list)
an object to represent the subscriber fields
an object to represent a subscriber's "profile"
The, "profile" is the newest kid on the block - the rest are just what
was there before, just re-organized
Allowing a subscriber to edit their own information means that they
have to, "log in" into Dada Mail, which sort of means they need some
sort of profile - something that describes who they are
At the
moment, this may just mean there's a password associated with their
email address
Once a subscriber is logged in, they'll be able to administrate
themselves, including edit their subscriber information, as well as
change their subscriptions to whatever lists are available for them to
This profile will probably be made automatically when someone
subscribes to a list and will probably be automatically removed, once
the subscriber has removed themselves from all the lists that Dada
Mail is currently administrating
Right now, I'm thinking that the
easiest way to get into this control panel is to auto-generate a
initial password and just put the, "Here's your login to administrate
yourself" in that, "Subscription Successful!" email message
Later on, once this release cycle is finished, we can do some
interesting things with this profile - like have archives available
only to subscribers, allow subscribers to post and reply to discussion
lists via the web-interface, state if they're on vacation, see what
their bounce score is (and do something about it, themselves) - a
whole lot of things, really
I'm hoping that this, "profile" idea won't be too complicated and also
something that's optional in Dada Mail - so if you're comfortable with
how the current subscription process will work - it'll still work just
like before
I'm also hoping to support the PlainText backend for
just a little while longer, as I haven't made any plans to drop it
I don't think the PlainText/Default backend is really going to get any
more interesting features - it makes sense now just to move everything
to one of the SQL backends as the default
The big change that'll happen, and I may want some feedback on this,
is that what's filled out in the subscriber fields per subscriber
will be shared on any lists the subscriber may find themselves on
From what I can think of, this is a good thing, because it means
less duplicate information in the backend and less problems with the
subscriber editing and updating information on one list, but not
This would also mean re-implementing the send-this-message-to-all- these lists feature would be doable
So, in general, the information filled out in the subscriber fields
would be tied more to the subscriber's, profile and not to their
individual subscriptions to individual lists
This, to me, makes a lot more sense, and is probably how much, much
larger systems are probably set up - think Google Groups
There's not a lot of details I'm getting into, but that's sort of the
overview of the things I'm going to start, once I finish up the clean-
up and reorganization of the code
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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