On Dec 15, 2008, at 9:06 PM, Carl G Kuczun wrote:
Here is half bug/half new feature that you might consider for an
upcoming release I think it might be an easy one Right now when
someone subscribes, they can fill in the subscriber fields and the
subscription notification email that I receive correctly includes
their email address AND the subscription fields However when
someone unsubscribes, all I get is the email address The
subscription fields are blank, even if they re-entered the
subscription fields when unsubscribing That's the bug partThe new feature part would be to, instead, put the already stored
information from the subscription fields into the unsubscribe
notification email So when someone unsubscribes, I am presented
with what was in their record in the database I often get
unsubscribes and have no idea from the email address who it was
I think what Dada Mail is doing is unsubscribing the email address,
before sending out the, "hey, I've unsubscribed the email address!"
Once it unsubscribes the address, there's no information left about
the subscribers - so none of the information in the fields is
available to use
I can see the value in having those fields
available in that email though
You can probably do a quick tweak of the code like this - just send
out the message, before the subscriber is removed
In the dada/DADA/
pm file
Find these lines (there's a few)
if( $li->{black_list} == 1 && $li->{add_unsubs_to_black_list} == 1
# Basically, what I gotta do is make sure that there aren't on the
# Blacklist ALREADY, or Baaaaaaad things happen
# We move, in an attempt to keep the subscription
information # Perhaps, they'll be moved back?
warn 'Moving email ('
') to blacklist
if $t;
-email => $email,
-from => 'list',
-to => 'black_list',
-mode => 'writeover',
else {
-Email_List =>[$email],
-Type => 'list'
require DADA::App::Messages;
-list => $list,
-email => $email,
-role => "unsubscribed",
-test => $self->test,
and change them to:
require DADA::App::Messages;
-list => $list,
-email => $email,
-role => "unsubscribed",
-test => $self->test,
if( $li->{black_list} == 1 && $li->{add_unsubs_to_black_list} == 1
# Basically, what I gotta do is make sure that there aren't on the
# Blacklist ALREADY, or Baaaaaaad things happen
# We move, in an attempt to keep the subscription
information # Perhaps, they'll be moved back?
warn 'Moving email ('
') to blacklist
if $t;
-email => $email,
-from => 'list',
-to => 'black_list',
-mode => 'writeover',
else {
-Email_List =>[$email],
-Type => 'list'
The better fix may be to grab that information, before they're
unsubscribed, unsubscribe them and then send that message out, just to
be thorough :)
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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