Hi everyone
I was just upgrading our Dada2 x installation to use the new Dada3 x base, and was adding in our 'Kill Dada' plugin/feature which I thought might be interesting to share with everyone
Basically we installed a 'Kill' Dada facility so that if we are ever doing a big email out, and the clients website goes down, or we release the subject is wrong, etc etc , our team can click the 'Kill Dada' button and all active sending processes of Dada are killed instantly
It uses a little PHP script, and an extra button added to the Admin menu as so - and I'm sure Justin can probably write a much nicer version to be integrated directly into the main scripts
Find around line 1770
{-Title => 'Monitor Your
Mailings /', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=sending_monitor", -Function => 'sending_monitor', -Activated => 1, },
Change to (with the correct path to your kill php script)
{-Title => 'Monitor Your
Mailings /', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?f=sending_monitor", -Function => 'sending_monitor', -Activated => 1, },
{-Title => '!! Kill Dada !!',
-Title_URL => "/dada/kill
-Function => 'kill_dada',
-Activated => 1,
Upload the following into a file called kill php and place it in the directory referenced above
Hope this of help and Justin I'll summarise any fun we find with 3 01 on our travels too
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