Hi Justin (and Dada devs)
I was just updating our new 3 0 install and noticed that I have different mail header priorities configured for our Dada client than Dada uses for default, and wanted to see if anyone knows the definitive(ish) answer as to which should be used?
According to RFC 1327 (some official doc type thing on what mail headings should be etc ) the priority headings in an email should take the following values:
priority = "normal" / "non-urgent" / "urgent"
and RFC 2076 (another official doc type thing) says that Importance should be:
"A hint from the originator to the Importance: RFC 1327 and recipients about how important a RFC 1911, message is Values: High, normal experimental or low Not used to control transmission speed "
Now in Dada we have priority configured as low to high, and I don't think we use Importance as a header:
%PRIORITIES = ( 'none' => 'Do not set a, "X-Priority" Header ', 5 => 'lowest', 4 => 'low', 3 => 'normal', 2 => 'high', 1 => 'highest', ) unless keys %PRIORITIES;
Has anyone out there got any experience as to which is right and Justin what do you think?
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