Re: Problem Resolved - Cross Your Fingers

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: November 6th 2008

On Nov 6, 2008, at 12:14 PM, Carl G Kuczun wrote:


The change I made to my dada config $DIR value seems to have
resolved my problem I always thought it was an environment issue and not
something to do with DadaMail Looks like I was right

Oh good - I was going to report that the changes I had made seem to
make a positive effect, but I couldn't recreate the exact problem you
had, "The, "Resource Temporarily Unavailable" problem

The new snapshot on Bluehost seems to work well - just do make that
tweak I outlined I have to say, that the 3 0 0 stable version I was
using as a control seemed to work just as well Hmm :) You were much
less likely to get into that weird, "Reloading Message " loop,
though, which was nice

One thing I did notice was that SMTP sending on Bluehost worked much
much better - just use "mail youhost com" as the SMTP server and fill
out the SASL Authentication with a username/password of a email
account you have on the Bluehost account - preferably either your list
owner or list admin email address I'm kinda hankering for that, "skip
a batch if we're behind schedule" feature though It's painful to wait
Dada Mail sleep when you know it's got time to make to be on schedule
with a mailing I'm kind of working on the algorithm on that and those
types of things aren't my fort� :)

One thing to note - be sure to replace the, "+" in your username with,
"@", or perhaps, "%", there's a bug in Dada Mail that any, "+" sign in
the SMTP option screen (basically) turns into a space Sigh


Getting back to that, "resource temporarily unavailable" problem, the
only way I could make it happen was with a test script that tried to
open the semaphore file twice - which is good! Because that's exactly
what was supposed to happen Here's an example of it working (by
throwing back and error)


!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use lib qw( / /DADA/perllib); use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);


print header();

print '


use DADA::Mail::MailOut;

my $mailout = DADA::Mail::MailOut->new({ -list => 'j '});

open my $fh, ">", $DADA::Config::TMP '/bang tmp' or die $!; my $lock = $mailout->lock_file($DADA::Config::TMP '/bang tmp'); my $lock2 = $mailout->lock_file($DADA::Config::TMP '/bang tmp');


Running this will give you an error,

Couldn't lock semaphore file for, /home/myaccount/

bang tmp - exiting with error to avoid file corruption! Resource temporarily unavailable at /DADA/Mail/MailOut pm line 1783

Which is exactly what you want

I'm a little scoobied as to why this was happening to you - my guess
is that two copies of Dada Mail perhaps were running at the same time,
given the paths you had set in the configuration? Maybe? Dunno - but
if the config tweak worked, well, I'll close the books on that one


Justin, you have been so good to spend so much time on a non- DadaMail issue I appreciate your dedication to helping me get this working, even
though it had nothing to do with you At least you got several other issues
knocked down so it wasn't a total waste

Not a problem - I know Bluehost has Dada MAil as a one-click install
option, so it is nice to know how well it's working on their systems,
since a lot of people will be using it, without necessarily knowing
what they're doing ;) Bluehost was nice enough to give me some test
accounts, which is good! Because I have a limited amount of testing
accounts to work with

Just to let everyone know, I've also asked WestHost for a test account
- I don't have one yet, but I'm jumping through the various
departments to talk to the right Guy, who may be able to help,

All it does is change the $i to $$, right?

That's all it does,

As a geek background, the, "$$" is a magic variable, that holds your
process id - this way, if you're running as the same process you'll
also use the same, recycling dbi handle - this means that you only
make ONE connection to the SQL server This is good the,
"connect_cached" method also does auto-reconnections, which is pretty

The process id will change when you send a mass mailing out, since you
fork() off a child Since the process id will change, the dbi handle
you've been using won't be recycled and you'll get a new dbi handle
There's a problem with attempting to share dbi handles between parent
and child Anyways :)

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