The change I made to my dada config $DIR value seems to have resolved my problem I always thought it was an environment issue and not something to do with DadaMail Looks like I was right
What I did was change the following line: my $DIR = '/home/firstch1/ dada_files';
to look like this: my $DIR = '/home2/firstch1/ dada_files';
I just received a confirmation from Bluehost Technical Support saying that my website had recently been moved to a multi-home server and the old reference to "/home/" instead of the new "/home2/" was causing some extra routing leading to my constant SQL access errors and list reloadings
From Bluehost: "You were migrated to a new server that is a multi-home server so there is home1/2/3/ and so on You would have to make sure your config file is referencing the correct home or you would get an error "
Justin, you have been so good to spend so much time on a non-DadaMail issue I appreciate your dedication to helping me get this working, even though it had nothing to do with you At least you got several other issues knocked down so it wasn't a total waste If you want to talk to the Bluehost guy, he is: Brandon O 866 573 4678 (please, Justin only)
Carl K
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