Dada Mail 3.1.0 pre 10/06/08 snapshot available

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: October 7th 2008

Here are the links:

tar gz:


And here's the changelog:

3 1 0

Download 3 1 0


Changes 3 1 0

Bug Fixes 3 1 0

2007462 3 0 0 - example dada_config's uncut for %LIST_SETUP_INCLUDE https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2007462&group_id=13002&atid=113002

3 0 0 - Send last msg to new subscribers msg corrupted? http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2099456&group_id=13002&atid=113002

[ 2099488 ] 3 0 - Dada Bridge only appends list shortname http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2099488&group_id=13002&atid=113002

2030573 Dadamail 3 0 strips out [endif] http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2030573&group_id=13002&atid=113002

[ 2104069 ] 3 0 0 - RPC ping urls not list in archive options -> adv http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2104069&group_id=13002&atid=113002

2120407 3 0 0 - DADA Mail Admin login problem http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2120407&group_id=13002&atid=113002

3 0 0 - Log viewer doesn't escape >''<'' in searches https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2124123&group_id=13002&atid=113002

[ 2147102 ] 3 0 0 - ``Open List in New Window'' has unwanted linebreak? https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2147102&group_id=13002&atid=113002

[ 2120386 ] 3 0 0 - Scheduled Mailing Time problem with 12 am https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2120386&group_id=13002&atid=113002

2145145 3 0 0 - Send a Webpage msg w/Clickthrough Links Fails https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2145145&group_id=13002&atid=113002

[ 2147406 ] 3 0 0 - POP3 test never uses AUTH_MODE or, USESSL https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2147406&group_id=13002&atid=113002

2148744 3 0 0 - Adv install Instructions unclear about passwords https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2148744&group_id=13002&atid=113002

2120035 3 0 0 - ``Warning! Mailout seems broken!'' https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2120035&group_id=13002&atid=113002

As noted in the bug report, this may be an ongoing problem, but
currently, we're trying to solve the problem by adding semaphore
locking support for every file (and even the directory) that makes up
the meta data of a mass mailing

3 0 1 Features

Beatitude - Fetch message from URL has same options as, ``Send a
Webpage'' Mostly meaning, you can embed images within the email message itself

Mystery Girl You can now specify the Port Number of the POP3 mail server

Mass Mailings keep their own log This means, that anything about the mass mailing is logged for that
specific mass mailing - this should hopefully make debugging a little
bit easier

Slightly Smarter Error Handling for failing sendmail mailings We've started catching sendmail errors and, if we find an error, we'll
exit out of the sending process, for the message to be automatically
picked up and the last email that had a problem, to be tried again
It's currently not perfect, but it's a very small step forward

If you'd like to try out the test release, please do!

Download the tar gz version, upload it to your server, in a
temporary directory and follow these steps:

gunzip dada-3_1_0pre_snapshot-10_06_08 tar gz

tar -xvf dada-3_1_0pre_snapshot-10_06_08 tar

cd dada

prove -r

The output should look something like this:

All tests successful, 5 subtests skipped Files=52, Tests=5138, 134 wallclock secs (48 78 cusr + 9 46 csys =
58 24 CPU)

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  • Request For Comments on any changes to the program
  • Help customizing Dada Mail for your own needs
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  • Discussion of any changes that you would like to be committed to the next version of Dada Mail -

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