Here is what I would like to see: 1 SOAP API - this feature would make me even more likely to use and
recommend dada mail - I do web sites with customized control panels
and my current clients find it difficult to switch to dada's panel
for mailing list work
My fear with the SOAP feature is that I'll take all this time to make
it, and then, NO one will use it
I don't exactly get a waterfall of
code contributions now, I'm having a hard time seeing that this would
happen just now that I have SOAP
But, like I said, taken to a vote, given a list of features, I'll be
more than dutifully happy to write the top features, until I run out
of paying time :)
I hope that base idea seems plausible - since there are no other super-
active code contributors, and a lot of people going, "I have $5
(maybe, if I skip lunch), but not $50"
It makes sense to again, to
make a pool with a monetary goal for popular features to make their
way in,
OK - I'll start next week with all that
The fundraiser will probably
go for a month or so (great time to do it, eh?)
I'm probably going to
set a very low goal, so everyone's happy we've accomplished something
together :)
If this works well, it would be sort of fun just to have this the way
things are done from now on
Or not, we'll see
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