Thanks Carl,
dada_bridge pl was indeed the answer Thank you!
The docs for dada_bridge pl usage could use a little improvement For instance, I assumed that because I'm using the dadamail advanced installation (using $HOME/ dada_files/ configs/ dada_config), I could uncomment the Discussion Lists portion and have Discussion lists appear in the plugins However, the only way I could see Discussion Lists in the plugins was to uncomment that same code in $HOME/public_html/cgi-bin/dada/DADA/Config pm It's true the docs say that's where you should uncomment it, but I think a sentence saying that even though your config is in $HOME/ dada_files/ configs/ dada_config, you must still uncomment it in $HOME/public_html/cgi-bin/dada/DADA/Config pm Either that, or change the code so uncommenting it in $HOME/public_html/cgi-bin/dada/DADA/Config pm enables the plugin
My web host gives me ssh access, but not access to crontab So I had to make my own poor man's cron, run from the ssh command line:
/usr/bin/curl -s --get --data run=1\;passcode=\;verbose=0 --url http://www a3b3 com/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/dada_bridge pl sleep 150 $0 &
The preceding replaces (forks) itself with a different PID every 2 5 minutes, thereby getting around the fact that the web host terminates processes lasting more than 5 minutes What a kludge! :-)
Do you think having it run every 2 5 minutes imposes an unacceptable load on my web-host's server? When the list is enabled, it will have about 100 subscribers and 10-30 posts per day
I need to configure it so it doesn't email me (the list owner) every time it sends an email Then I need to load up the list and test it to make sure it can perform well enough in my web-host's environment
Thanks for all your help This is a pretty cool piece of software, and I might write an article about it on Troubleshooters Com
Steve Litt Recession Relief Package http://www recession-relief US
On Tuesday 12 August 2008 01:51, Carl G Kuczun wrote:
Hi Steve,
Dadamail uses some add-ons for some features The one you want for discussion lists is the Dada Bridge For information, start here:
http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-dada-3_0_0/dada_bridge pl html
----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Litt" slitt@PROTECTED To: "Dada Mail Developers Subscriber" ckuczun@PROTECTED Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 1:31 AM Subject: How to set up dadamail as a discussion list
I installed dadamail, but it has no "post to" address so it can't be used as a discussion list I know it's possible to configure as a discussion list because the Dada Mail Developers list has dadadev@dadamailproject com as a post-to address How does one configure dadamail to be a discussion list?
Steve Litt Recession Relief Package http://www recession-relief US
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