I'm currently seeing the light of a gigantic release cycle (for me,
anyways), that'll, at the end of it all, see Dada Mail 3
0 released
and labeled as, "Stable"
One of my biggest hopes for this release is to have a great set of
documentation to go along with it
Right now, I hope to have more
technical documentation on the support site - and for free; things
like the API docs, the FAQ's and configuration and installation
instructions for Dada Mail itself and all of the plugins and extensions
I'm also thinking of having some screen casts on more general topics
like, "How to Install", "How to Send a List Message" for people to get
a feel on how the program works, without having to install it
I'm also currently writing a brand new copy of the Magicbook
shooting to have a chapter for every single List Control Panel Screen,
as well as chapters that encompass larger topics, like the Sending
Monitor - which is very powerful, but needs a bit of explanation, so
you know what everything does
I'm also going to have the Magicbook available online, with copies of
Dada Mail having a link to the specific screen's (at least in the
List Control Panel) docs, just a click away
You'll need a
subscription of Pro Dada to access these docs and logging in will just
need a username/password combo
I may even change the subscription
length from a year to, "the life of the program"
My hope is to lift as many restrictions from the free version as
possible and have people find the most value in the docs that
hopefully, should cover almost everything
I'm def
shipping the 3
stable version with ALL plugins and extensions available, with the
required docs to install and configure them
So, this is a request for topics to be covered under the Magicbook, or
the general documentation
If there are some topics already written
that you think needs clarification, please - let me know
Writing these docs has been taking a whole lot of time, but I'm hoping
it'll be worth it :)
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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