Hey everyone,
I'm working on finally getting support for being able to tweak the
Subject (easily) of the subscription confirmation, subscription
successful (etc) email messages via the list control panel
you can customize the body, but not the subject
Which is strange
Figuring out the best way to do this correctly, I cobbled together
support for the current email templating system into the headers! This
means you can have the "To:" header set like this:
To: "[first_name] [last_name]" <example@PROTECTED>
I'm also well on my way to switching the current email templating
system from my cobbled-together, not so bright templating system into
HTML::Template - the same templating system used for the HTML screens!
This is nerdy-cool, since it's one step away from allowing you to do
something like this in your message body:
Say you have a field named, "favorite_color"
You could potentially
have something like this in your email message:
[if favorite_color eq "green"] I see you like green! [/if]
Mail merging support in email headers, and if/unless block
support to boot
Should be interesting
Speaking of which, I'm getting to the point where I think collisions
between what people may name their subscriber fields and Dada Mail's
own internal stuff is inevitable
Is anyone against making tags in the
email messages look something like this:
Instead of just:
It would probably save everyone a lot of headaches
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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