Multiple Subscription Fields Update

From: "Dada Mail" <dada@PROTECTED>
Date: November 9th 2007

Just a few more screenshots attached

I've been working with the auto-pickup feature a bit It's heavily
augmented from the 2 10 x series - mostly by allowing you to set a
maximum number of mailouts that are allowed to go out at the same
time (default is 1) and also give you the option to pause a mailing
There's also the idea of a, "stale" mailing - a mailing that hasn't
done anything for a while and not something you want to have
restarted automatically There's still a few problems, but it's
working a lot better than it was

There's also some pretty straight-forward buttons on top of the mail
monitor screen to pickup, pause, resume and stop a mailing - kind
like a cassette player I was very very tempted to make the interface
look like a cassette player, but stopped myself The greyed out
buttons are disabled options that turn on when needed

I also added a screenshot of what the new subscription form currently
looks like Every single subscription form in the program uses the
same simple(ish) template - even the Ajax subscription form
extension, so if you don't like the subscription form design, you can
change it pretty easily, installation-wide In my example, I have two
extra fields, first_name and last_name, but you can have whatever
you'd like

I've also trimmed up the mail cgi file but a few thousand lines and
put some interesting subroutines in modules, so they can be reused by
other things I took out the subscription, unsubscription,
subscripition confirmation and unsubscription confirmation stuff and
put them in a new module This means you can have a subscription
routine in your own program that's exactly like Dada Mails Not
sort of, but completely the same With about a few lines of
added code Which should prove beneficial to someone The,
"subscribe" subroutine in the mail cgi currently looks like this:

sub subscribe {

 my %args = (-html_output => 1, @_);

 require DADA::App::Subscriptions;
 my $das = DADA::App::Subscriptions->new;
         -cgi_obj     => $q,
         -html_output => $args{-html_output},


Which is what it should look like

I used it myself for the Ajax subscription form extension and was
able to take out a few hundred lines of code that sort of did what
Dada Mail does, but not really I can now do the same for the
multiple subscribe extension and perhaps figure out what I"m doing
with the Dada-ized FormMail and TFmail (if they're actually needed
anymore) There's a slight possibility that 2 11 will be shipped with
less code than 2 10 x, which is again, how it should be, but with
quite a bit more functionality

I've been trying to get the multiple fields stuff fairly bug-free
before even releasing it as an alpha, since it's inevitable people
will put this to use right away and not heed the warnings that this
is a development version, so I thought I'd at least take a stab at it
working pretty well

Getting close

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