Dada Mail, 2.11 Alpha 6 has been released

From: "Dada Mail" <dada@PROTECTED>
Date: June 26th 2007

Dada Mail, 2 11 Alpha 6 has been released

Here are the direct downloads:

tar gz:


use_mirror=osdn zip: http://downloads sourceforge net/mojomail/dada-2_11_alpha_6 zip? use_mirror=osdn

The changelog is below If there's any questions you'd like me to
answer before I go about this release, lemme know before Saturday :)

And one special surprise: Every plugin/extension that I've created is
available in this alpha release, so if you want to get your feet wet
without spending one thin dime, here's your chance Most of the
plugins/extensions will only work with this new alpha version, so do
keep that in mind

2 11 Alpha 6 - Released 6/25/07 Download 2 11 Alpha 6 2 11 Alpha 6 tar gz Distribution

11 Alpha 6 zip Distribution


Notes Bug Fixes: This is a features-focused release Most of the relevent bugs that cropped up in the 2 10 14 release of Dada Mail should be patched
up in this version of Dada Mail (2 11 Alpha 6) but aren't verified

 Please refer to the 2
15 changelog (I'll have that up in just  

a bit) for specifics on bugs fixed The 2 10 15 release is a bugfix-only release

2 11 Alpha 6 Required for Plugins/Extensions! Most all plugins and extensions currently shipping in the 2 11
alpha 6 build of Dada Mail will need to be run with 2 11 alpha 6 No other previous version of Dada Mail will work

ALL Plugins/Extensions shipping with 2 11 alpha 6 All the plugins/extensions available for Dada Mail (by me) are
available in the 2 11 alpha 6 release Furthermore, any restrictions on
list size, or max # of lists has been lifted This is to help you test the
program out and find bugs

 Do note that this is an ALPHA release and is known to not always  

work correctly It SHOULD NOT be used on a production server

New Features Also see the New Features docs for 2 11 alpha 5, if you're usually running 2 10 14

Plugin-Specific Variables Configurable in the
Config pm/ dada_config file Some of the plugins/extensions currently supported are:

 * Mystery Girl (Bounce Handler)
 * Beatitude (Mail Scheduler)
 * dada_bridge
 * blog_index

 See also the $PLUGIN_CONFIGS Config
pm variable

Beatitude (Mail Scheduler) Added method to run plugin from a URL to be used for cronjobs See the Beatitude Docs, most specifically the,

 * $Plugin_Config->{Allow_Manual_Run}
 * $Plugin_Config->{Manual_Run_Passcode}

 plugin variables

 The method to do so should be the same for Beatitude (Mail  

Scheduler), Mystery Girl (Bounce Handler) and dada_bridge pl

Support for FCKeditor (preliminary)

 See the $Plugin_Config-{FCKeditor_Support}> var in
pl* for more information

--run flag dropped
 You don't need to use the "--run" flag when running
pl from the command line

dada_bridge pl Added method to run plugin from a URL to be used for cronjobs See the dada_bridge pl Docs, most specifically the,

 * $Plugin_Config->{Allow_Manual_Run}
 * $Plugin_Config->{Manual_Run_Passcode}

 plugin variables

 The method to do so should be the same for Beatitude (Mail  

Scheduler), Mystery Girl (Bounce Handler) and dada_bridge pl

Subscription and Unsubscription confirmation requests via email
are now logged You'll see lines, such as these in the Dada Mail usage log ($PROGRAM_USAGE_LOG)

     [Wed Jun 20 03:55:04 2007]  listname        12

Subscription Confirmation Sent for listname list user@example com,
remote_host:, ip_address:120 0 0 1

     [Wed Jun 20 04:05:38 2007]  listname        12

Unsubscription Confirmation Sent for listname list user@example com,
remote_host:, ip_address:120 0 0 1

 To let you know what's happening

Mystery Girl (Bounce Handler) Added method to run plugin from a URL to be used for cronjobs See the Mystery Girl Docs, most specifically the,

 * $Plugin_Config->{Allow_Manual_Run}
 * $Plugin_Config->{Manual_Run_Passcode}

 plugin variables

 The method to do so should be the same for Beatitude (Mail  

Scheduler), Mystery Girl (Bounce Handler) and dada_bridge pl

"Breadcrumbs" navigation on the top of the administration screen
List-specific Bounce Score Card, instead of Global Bounce Score Card
 Note! Your old scorecard is probably not going to be of much use

Viewable Scorecard
View Log of specific email address bouncing
 Helpful to see why they may be bouncing

List Archives More Options to Protect Email Addresses (reCAPTCHA MailHide) We've enabled the use of the MailHide CAPTCHA idea for email
addresses in the list archive messages You also have the option to use no protection at all, or keep the default protection scheme (called, SPAM-me-not)

 More information on Mailhide:


 See also the Config

 The options to protect email addresses in the list's archives is
 availabl ein the list control panel under, Manage Archives -  

Archive Options - Advanced

Dada Mail Backends SQLite support added Should work for Session information, list subscribers, settings and archives

New CAPTCHA Engine choice: reCAPTCHA We've added support for the reCAPTCHA project in Dada Mail
Here's more information on it:


 In Dada Mail, see the following variables:

     To use the reCAPTCHA system, you'll need to set this  

variable to, "reCAPTCHA"

     You'll need to plug in the, public_key and private_key  


SQL schemas saved in a different location

 The following locations hold the various SQL table schemas  

needed for the SQL backends:

 * Postgres

 * MySQL

 * SQLite

POP3 engine changed to Mail::POP3Client - SSL POP3 connections
supported Originally, we were using Net::POP3, but have now moved to Mail::POP3Client

 Amongst other things, you can now connect to a POP3 server via  

SSL and also set the type of authentication scheme you want to use

 You'll see the options in the *Manage List - Sending Options - SMTP
 Options*, as well as in Mystery Girl and dada_bridge

New Email Message Tag: [originating_message_url] Used specifically in the, "Send a Webpage" screen, using this
tag in the message itself, will have the tag be replaced with the actual
URL you're getting the message source from For example, in your message,
you can write:

   <a href="[originating_message_url]">
    If you cannot see this message, click here!

New Module: DADA::App::POP3Tools DADA::App::POP3Tools Holds all the stuff needed for POP3
connections and replaces the various, independent schemes in
dada_bounce_handler pl, dada_bridge pl and the DADA::Mail::Send module

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  • Start a new thread, email:

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Specifically, see the Error FAQ:

To post to this list, send a message to:

All subscribers of this list may post to the list itself.

Topics that are welcome:

  • Constructive critiques on the program (I like, "x", but, "y" needs some work - here's an idea on how to make this better...)
  • Bug/Error reports
  • Bug fixes
  • Request For Comments on any changes to the program
  • Help customizing Dada Mail for your own needs
  • Patches
  • Language Translations
  • Support Documentation/Doc editing, FAQ's, etc.
  • Discussion of any changes that you would like to be committed to the next version of Dada Mail -

Dada Mail is on Github:

If you would like to fork, branch, send over PRs, open up issues, etc.

Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy is for this mailing list, and this mailing list only.

Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.

We only collect email addresses through our Closed-Loop Opt-In system.

We don't use your email address for any other purpose.

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