On Jun 8, 2007, at 6:18 AM, Bruce Scherzinger wrote: >
I had the same problem with one of my sites Change the variable $SESSION_DB_TYPE to 'Classic' It worked for me It appears to be a
problem with cookie handling on some servers (according to Justin)
Most likely, it's a bug I've introduced - For session stuff, Dada
Mail uses the CGI::Session CPAN package:
It's a very good package, with a good testing suite, etc
when you install a perl module via CPAN, you do so using either the
CPAN shell, or by manually downloading, uncompressing and running,
Both of these thingies run through the testing suite to make
sure every thing's compatible
Dada Mail comes with CGI::Session and
no testing is done - there's a possibility I mucked up the package
when including the files/modules and this only becomes a problem in
odd situations
There is a possibility that it is an issue with
CGI::Session, but if you want to add a bug report to those folks, you
need to write a failing test, basically
That's hard to do, since
it's not currently a problem with me
It should really be marked out as a bug in Dada Mail
If I come
across the problem with a client and they have command line support,
I'll investigate further and see what's up
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