At 9:24 PM -0600 6/6/07, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote: >
On Jun 6, 2007, at 11:27 AM, John Collins wrote: >
If I understand this correctly, I left an item on the Sourceforge wish list that would do this if implemented
It goes something like: an item that is on the bounce list is removed from the list if subsequent email blasts are successfully delivered (not bounced)
I don't mind this idea - I think it's a great one If not, "removed" from the bounce scorecard, at least deducted some points from
The problem is, when you send a message, you're not always told if the message was delivered successful - that's why you get bounced messages back So, there's no way to know which addresses to take off the bounce scorecard
I was thinking that the trigger should be that if it didn't show up as a bounce on a subsequent sending, it can be assumed that it was received and the score downgraded or the address completely removed from the list
Another idea would be to alert the subscriber when the score gets to a different threshold, lower than the one it takes to remove the address from the list that basically says, "Hey, is your address still around? 'cos if it is, and you bounce a message again, it's toast" and perhaps a url they can click the reset their own bounce score themselves This email will have to be sent out a little bit (day? week?) after the last message goes through Sort of tricky
I wouldn't want to ask my subscribers to take a proactive role I get too many dumb questions on what I send already
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