Apologies to the rest of the list if this thread has become boring
FWIW, you were right in that editing the cron file with a text editor and uploading is not a good way to do it Or better said, something somewhere in the server software still wants the changes to be implemented by SSH
Editing as a text file, uploading and then opening Terminal and running a crontab -e command does reveal that the file was changed But when exiting the terminal window, using the control-x command, it indicated a syntax error and approximately where it was located That helped
So I messed around with the cron settings on both Beatude and Mystery Girl until no more errors Then exiting the crontab -e window with a control X provided an indication that the file was 'registered' (I forgot exactly what it said, but whatever it was, it said it was successful) Seems like changes to that file must be implemented/activated/registered somewhere else within Apache (??) and this can only be done if the changes are made by command line
Lo and behold, Beautude spit out a test message at the correct time!
And in the middle of the night, MG processed a ton of bounces
Thanks again for the help and patience
At 2:15 PM -0600 5/8/07, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote:
At 10:26 PM -0600 5/7/07, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote:
On May 7, 2007, at 7:38 PM, John Collins wrote:
However, it does not pick up sample mailings I have saved in beatude I set up a couple more of them but they did not send
In the Beatitude control panel, make sure that the scheduled mailing is active If it's passed it's expected time of sending, it probably will deactivate itself
One that was set up as active, but the time had passed, simply disappeared, but I did not get the test email
Tried a couple more tests with the time set after the current time (server), but still did not get the messages Forget it Not worth more effort
Usually, when I test Beatitude, I set a schedule to send a message, every minute and repeat that schedule, indefinitely
Then, I connect to the server via ssh, and run the command to run Beatitude, exactly as I would type the command in the crontab - except perhaps I'll put that --verbose flag on there, so I can see what's happening
It takes a minute for the first message to be sent, and after that, every minute, if I run the command - bang! I get a mailing (do this with a list of no one but the list owner)
If it's working, I'll set a cronjob - and have it run every five minutes or so I'll get some coffee
Come back and if I have a few messages that I didn't send, I'll know the cronjob did its job Hazzah!
There's also a log you can set, I believe the variable is, "$Log" in the scheduled_mailings pl script itself You can set it like so:
$Log = $LOGS '/beatitude txt';
and it'll write a file called, "beatitude txt" where ever you've set it to write logs It basically just saves a copy of what would be printed out when you use the, --verbose flag
And that's about it
(FWIW I can get at the cron text file on the server at: /var/spool/cron/meetingsandmixers and simply edit the text file It's faster)
My suggestion is to not - some (there's a few) implementations of cron will actually do a sanity test of the cronjob you've just set and make sure there's no errors - if there are, it'll let you know That's handy
And since it needs to run about a dozen times to clear them all, I set up the cron: 0,15,30,45 1,2,3 * * * /home/meetingsandmixers/www/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/dada_bounce_handler pl >/dev/null 2>&1 To hit it 12 times a night at 15 minute intervals
Here's a trick I just found out, you can say, "every 15 minutes" like this:
Instead of having to type that all out:
Kind of a space/time saver
-- Justin Simoni
Dada Mail - Write Once: Distribute Everywhere Software url: http://mojo skazat com
On May 8, 2007, at 9:14 AM, John Collins wrote:
At 10:26 PM -0600 5/7/07, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote:
On May 7, 2007, at 7:38 PM, John Collins wrote:
However, it does not pick up sample mailings I have saved in beatude I set up a couple more of them but they did not send
In the Beatitude control panel, make sure that the scheduled mailing is active If it's passed it's expected time of sending, it probably will deactivate itself
One that was set up as active, but the time had passed, simply disappeared, but I did not get the test email
Tried a couple more tests with the time set after the current time (server), but still did not get the messages Forget it Not worth more effort
Thanks for all the good info, though I learned about setting crons See below
(FWIW I can get at the cron text file on the server at: /var/spool/cron/meetingsandmixers and simply edit the text file It's faster)
Did set up a cronjob for Mystery Girl, while I was at it, and that seems like it worked No bounces in it right now to test Worthy of note is that with a list of about 25k, MG needs to run about a dozen times to clear them all out after sending Once doesn't do it
By default, Mystery Girl will look at 100 messages, and then quit If you have more than 100 messages awaiting it, it will take a few times to run the script to handle all of the bounces
When I clear them manually, I usually select 500-600 to process and then need to run it about 10 times for them to all clear out
So I changed the default to 500
And since it needs to run about a dozen times to clear them all, I set up the cron: 0,15,30,45 1,2,3 * * * /home/meetingsandmixers/www/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/dada_bounce_handler pl >/dev/null 2>&1 To hit it 12 times a night at 15 minute intervals
Sending a newsletter this morning Tomorrow we'll see if it worked
Thanks again
So I guess I should set the cronjob for it to run every 15 minutes for about 3 hours every night in the middle of the night? My newsletters are erratic in schedule Sometimes 3 a week, sometimes 3 weeks between, but no harm in letting it run every night is there:
That should be fine
Where can I learn how to set up the cron for that schedule?
In the fine manual:
Saw that, but didn't understand Cron settings No problem, found them on the web
Worthy of mention is the first page related to Beatude in the Magic Book does not mention cron at all
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/dada_bounce_handler pl html#setting_the_schedule
(mirror) http://mojomail sourceforge net/support/documentation/dada_bounce_handler pl html#setting_the_schedule
-- Justin Simoni
Dada Mail - Write Once: Distribute Everywhere Software url: http://mojo skazat com
On May 7, 2007, at 7:38 PM, John Collins wrote: >
Fixing the perl libs did it Looks like at least it sees it now:
[meetingsandmixers][~]$ /home/meetingsandmixers/www/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/scheduled_mailings pl --run --verbose
Running Schedule For: MNM Current time is: May 7th 2007 - 3:58 p m No schedules to run
However, it does not pick up sample mailings I have saved in beatude I set up a couple more of them but they did not send
Never mind I needed it for tomorrow morning and am not going to count on it at this late date, nor am I going to mess with it any more right now I arranged with the client to send it manually at a time when I'll be here
Did set up a cronjob for Mystery Girl, while I was at it, and that seems like it worked No bounces in it right now to test Worthy of note is that with a list of about 25k, MG needs to run about a dozen times to clear them all out after sending Once doesn't do it So I guess I should set the cronjob for it to run every 15 minutes for about 3 hours every night in the middle of the night? My newsletters are erratic in schedule Sometimes 3 a week, sometimes 3 weeks between, but no harm in letting it run every night is there: Where can I learn how to set up the cron for that schedule?
Thanks for all your help on this I learned a lot, even though I didn't get it set to handle my email broadcast
At 3:09 PM -0600 5/7/07, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote:
You have to explicitly change the path to the perl libraries and the Dada Mail libraries
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/scheduled_mailings pl html#configuration
Read the Fine Manual :)
This is a step you have to do for dada_bridge pl and Mystery Girl as well Their docs are slightly more verbose on how to do all this:
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/dada_bounce_handler pl html#configuration
(under, "Change the lib path)
Finding the site-wide perl libraries shouldn't be a problem, since you're getting into the command line stuff, you'll have to also add the Dada Mail perl libraries, which for you specifically, are probably at:
/home/meetingsandmixers/www/cgi-bin/dada/ /home/meetingsandmixers/www/cgi-bin/dada/DADA/perllib
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