On Apr 30, 2007, at 3:54 AM, Frans Gouverne wrote:
I guess I can use send_dada_mail pl also to send a web page from a
Perl script? Because many of my customers are using Dada to send a
newsletter This newsletter is a HTML page which they can modify
with a CMS system Something like:use MIME::Lite::HTML; my $mailHTML = new MIME::Lite::HTML IncludeType => 'cid', From => "$in{'from'}", To => "$in{'to'}", Subject => "$in{'subject'}", my $HTMLContent = $mailHTML->parse($url);
open( DADA, "|/home/youraccount/cgi-bin/dada/extensions/ send_dada_mail pl --list mylist") or die $!; print DADA $HTMLContent ; close DADA or die $!;
Yes, that'll work almost exactly like you've written it out Handy, no?
I guess you can do more interesting things when using a CMS and
Dada together So my suggestion is to modify the login sub from
mail cgi in such a way (as I already did) to make it possible to go
to a specific admin screen and also passing some fields for this
specific screen already
I'd rather create some sort of alternative way to access the features
that are available in the administrative control panel - probably
something like a SOAP interface or something similar
Some of the
major things would really be nice - access to the subscription list,
archives and also, sending an actual email out
Would be a nice
little project;
Your hack is quite ingenious, though
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