Moving right along,
I committed the, "Pause a mailout" changes into CVS and it's working
pretty well
Handy little feature
Next on my plate is the Mail Queueing feature
This feature sort of fills a needed hole in the whole idea of slowing
down your mailings to make sure you comply with the restrictions in
the number of emails you can send out in a specific time frame -
The problem is your usually batch sending should work just fine in
keeping under these restrictions, but what happens if you have to
mailouts going at once?
Well, at the moment, you'll go over your restrictions, probably by
twice as much - not good
So, I'm going to introduce a feature that allows you to set how many
mailouts you can have going at one time
It'll probably be set to,
"1" by default (but is changeable to whatever you'd like)
Any mailouts that go over this Dada Mail imposed limit will simply be
internally queued and won't be sent until enough mailouts are
finished to allow it
I few notes about this:
Non mass mailouts, like subscription requests, etc won't be affected
by the queue - only large mailouts
Currently, the new "pause a mailout" feature is pretty independent of
the queueing feature, so you can't, say, pause a mailout and have a
different awaiting mailout jump ahead in line
There's also no way to
set the order of the queue - it's first in, first out at the moment
I'm not sure how important those last two features are, but it's
worth considering
Anything else I should consider? Questions?
Start a new thread, email:
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