On Feb 5, 2007, at 12:32 PM, Mike Tonks wrote: >
I caught a brief mention of HTTP_AUTH somewhere in the support
site, but nothing concrete Does anyone know of an easy way to do this?
Could it be done as a plugin?
If anything, that's a really interesting idea to do and I can see
what the benefits of that could be
Currently, there isn't any support for HTTP_AUTH in Dada Mail,
although you could def
make a plugin out of it, but it would still
take some pretty heavy changes to the program
I'm interested in the
project, if you have the budget to commission it
There is mention in some of the docs about using HTTP_AUTH, though
Basically, you can set a separate URL for Administration access to
Dada Mail, so you could have a copy of Dada Mail under:
and another copy under:
And just put like a
htaccess file in the, '
dada_secret' directory
Both copies would work with the same list, but the admin stuff would
also be secured under HTTP_AUTH protection
It's just another way to lock down Dada Mail
I don't really use it,
since it's sort of annoying to set up and keep two copies current
also think the current security is pretty good
Here's some more
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/ Config pm html#sprogram_url
Your HTTP_AUTH idea sounds good, since you could have multiple logins
per list, with each user having different access to different things
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