I added a small feature in dada_bridge
pl, to allow you make the
cronjob call to a URL, instead of directly running the script
I know that dada_bridge
pl isn't the simplest script to configure,
and one of the harder things to do is to find all the absolute perl
paths, both the system-wide perl libraries and Dada Mail's own Perl
Getting these wrong makes the script not work when called
as a cronjob and sometimes mysteriously
There's also the problem of setting the cronjob incorrectly, if you
set the absolute path to the script itself wrong, the cronjob again
will fail
This new feature (enabled by default) should allow you to configure
pl without having to do the first issue, and the second
issue is vastly simplified
The changes are currently in CVS:
dada_mail_stable/dada/plugins/dada_bridge pl? revision=1 78 2 2&pathrev=dada_mail_2_10_12-branch>
If you'd like to check it out
Here's the relative changes in the
Setting the cronjob the, "Easy" Way
Basically, you just have to set up the cronjob to check a
specific URL,
and this is URL:
Where, *http://example
is the URL to your copy of dada_bridge pl
This will basically have dada_bridge
pl check any awaiting
messages and hopefully, deliver them
You may have to look through your hosting account's own FAQ,
Knowledgebase and/or other docs to see exactly how you invoke a
URL via
a cronjob, but here's some examples on how it's usually done
these examples, I'll be running the script every minute ( * * *
* * ) -
tailor to your taste
* Using Curl:
* * * * * curl http://example
dada_bridge pl?run=1
* Using wget
* * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O - -q http://example
dada/plugins/dada_bridge pl?run=1 or just try: * * * * * wget http://example com/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/ dada_bridge pl?run=1
* Using lynx:
* * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source
Some options:
If you'd like, you can set up a simple Passcode, to have some
semblence of security over who runs the program Do this by setting the, $Manual_Run_Passcode variable in the dada_bridge pl source itself
If you set the variable like so:
$Manual_Run_Passcode = 'sneaky';
You'll then have to change the URL in these examples to:
If you'd like to only run one list, you may do so by changing
the about URL's to something like this:
where, mylist is the listshortname of the list you'd like to
have run
And for, "the easy way" that's it
Conversly, if you'd like to disable this technique, the set the
variable, $Allow_Manual_Run to, "0"
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