If you are tracking unsubs per send, it might be interesting to track subs as well That way we could judge the affect of a particularly compelling email message in terms of growing the list
Right now we can track the number of subscribers at the time of send and easily view the number of subscribers on the list and get a general idea of growth or shrinkage on the list but it would be great to be able to see the number of subs, unsubs and bounces specifically that contributed to the current list size
// Rob Taylor
I've thinking of revising the Clickthrough Tracker in the immediate future I was thinking of replacing the redirect URL's in the message itself, which currently are hyoooge with something that's a little smaller - something like:
http://yoursite com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/r/dacka/20061116230155/1234/
'20061116230155' is the message id - that has to stay, but, "1234" would be just a variable passed to Dada Mail to lookup the actual URL to redirect to, instead of encoding the URL in the URL itself Hope that makes sense If you use the clickthrough tracker, you know what I'm talking about
The other thing I was thinking of being able to track is unsubscriptions per mailout, so you can see who unsubscribed from your list, per message
Anything else requested?
-- Justin Simoni
: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software
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