Re: Several issues with alpha 3

From: "Dada Mail" <dada@PROTECTED>
Date: November 2nd 2006

Sorry for having this post so late - firstly, the message had to be
moderated, and I took a bikeride this morning ;)

The second issue was actually an issue with the moderation system -
there was a bug that was found, that I now know about I should
fix it soon

I'm probably going to add a, "If the message isn't moderated in [x]
hours, accept/reject message automatically" type of feature,

Anyways -

On Nov 2, 2006, at 9:02 PM, Alfred Vink wrote: > >

Hi Justin,

While upgrading to alpha 3 I have several issues:

  • What happened to the SMTP error log, I had it set up in an
    external config file, but I find the setting missing in the latest config pm, the
    whole smtp section is gone

I've removed the Mail::Bulkmail engine from Dada Mail - it hasn't
been updated in 3 years, it seems slightly buggy and it wasn't jiving
with the new auto-reload feature in Dada Mail, so it went

I did note the removal of the variables themselves here:


NOTES pod html#config_pm_variable_changes

Any SMTP errors will show up in the regular program error log, if you
want verbose chatter from the SMTP server, consider setting the new
variable, %CPAN_DEBUG_SETTINGS to something like:


 # DBI, handles all SQL database calls

 # More Information:
 # http://search
 # As noted in these docs, you can set the trace level as far 15

 DBI => 0,

 # HTML::Template, used for generating HTML screens
 # More information:
 # http://search


 # Net::POP3, used for checking awaiting messages on a POP3 Server
 # More Information:
 # http://search

 NET_POP3 => 0,

 # Net::SMTP, used for sending messages via SMTP:
 # more information:
 # http://search

 NET_SMTP => 1,     # 1!


  • When saving a change in the new dadabridge pl I get the following

Attempt to save an unregistered setting -
find_spam_assassin_score_by at dadabridge pl line 480

Ah A small bug - weird that it wasn't caught Anyways, first a

Any value that's saved in the list settings now needs to be,
"registered" Registering just means it needs a default value in the
Config pm's, %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS This helps in making sure there's
no bugs in the program - for example, incorrect spellings of the
variable names when saving, and also provides a self documenting list
of what list settings are actually available

Anyways - in the Config pm file, find these lines:

 # dada_bridge
 ignore_spam_messages                => 0,
 ignore_spam_messages_with_status_of => 6,
 enable_moderation                   => 0,
 send_moderation_rejection_msg       => 0,
 send_msg_copy_address               => '',

 strip_file_attachments              => 0,
 file_attachments_to_strip           => '',
 discussion_pop_server               => '',
 discussion_pop_username             => '',
 discussion_pop_email                => '',
 discussion_pop_password             => '',
 send_not_allowed_to_post_msg        => 0,
 send_invalid_msgs_to_owner          => 0,
 send_msg_copy_to                    => 0,

And append:

 find_spam_assassin_score_by         =>  


Like so:

 # dada_bridge
 ignore_spam_messages                => 0,
 ignore_spam_messages_with_status_of => 6,
 enable_moderation                   => 0,
 send_moderation_rejection_msg       => 0,
 send_msg_copy_address               => '',

 strip_file_attachments              => 0,
 file_attachments_to_strip           => '',
 discussion_pop_server               => '',
 discussion_pop_username             => '',
 discussion_pop_email                => '',
 discussion_pop_password             => '',
 send_not_allowed_to_post_msg        => 0,
 send_invalid_msgs_to_owner          => 0,
 send_msg_copy_to                    =>
 find_spam_assassin_score_by         =>  


  • Moderation now has a complete new meaning as I understand, so far I (mis)used the option to create a second email from which a person
    could send a message to the list without him receiving everything twice So
    people could send stuff from home and the office but only receive mail at
    the home side Now I understand moderation actually means approving every message Can I still create extra send-only members ?

Yeah, moderation actually means to moderate a message now Weird huh?
The way it used to work currently isn't available, I don't think It
may be built back in, but it is a question of time and if anyone
wants to commission the feature Moderation as it currently is in the
alpha 3 version is a commissioned feature

The previous behavior, if put back in, by a different name - I'm not
sure I'd call, "A list of people other than the subscriber list that
are allowed to send a message to the list", moderation :) And now
that I think of it, I don't know why it ever was called that

  • The text next to the moderation option is incorrect, it misses a
    word 'be' in 'will have to to be approved'

Great Thanks for the catch

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