Re: archive problems...

From: "Dada Mail" <dada@PROTECTED>
Date: September 3rd 2006

On Sep 2, 2006, at 8:13 AM, Mariano Absatz wrote:

The first problem with the archive interface is that the link to the messages is the subject of the message and the subject of the message at http://mojo skazat com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/archive/ dadadev/20060830102506/ is EMPTY

Here's the bug to this:

http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php? func=detail&aid=1539846&group_id=13002&atid=113002

It may be a bug from the 2 11 branch, which is what's running at the
support site, but has been fixed in the 2 10 10 branch, but I'll
double check that, using this as a test example

How would both messages be archived?

Most likely, the message that's archived last will overwrite the
message that was archived first

Shouldn't the key inlcude the message number also?

Most likely, yeah Probably the entire message id should be saved as
the key; The Message-ID header by spec is supposed to be a completely
unique string Dada Mail makes one using the date, a string of random
numbers and then the domain name of the list I think (as suggested by
the spec)

The archive part of Dada Mail is sort of based on some ancient code,
back before there was discussion list support and the chance that a
different message sent at the same time wasn't really that real- world It's also easy to sort the archive via the keys, but there's
really no excuse now It's pretty easy to munge the keys to get at
something that we can sort from

(we must also think what happens when a message is erased from the list since, as of now, the messages in the archive get renumbered when this happens, but it'd be a bad idea for a link to a specific message to change just because other message was erased from the archive)

Naw, the messages don't get renumbered now; the key/value pair is
just removed from the db and that's that;

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