Dada Mail 2 10 9 alpha 2 is out the door
Here are the links to the download:
Please refer to the 2
9 alpha 1 changelog while digesting the
changelog for this release:
Changelog for: 2 10 9 alpha2
New Features * White List! What is the White List?
* A white list is a list of email addresses that are
allowed to
subscribe to your mailing list
* It's sort of the opposite of the current, "black list"
which hilds
a list of email addresses that are not allowed to
subscribe to
your mailing list
* Currently, the white list does not do patternmatching
meaning, if you add, "mydomain
com" to the white list,
you won't
be able to allow everyone with an email address with,
com" to your mailing list
How is this useful?
Right now, it's not very useful, except for it's obvious
purpose -
you can preselect email addresses that are allowed to
subscribe to
your list
but this is just another step in allowing you
to hook
an outside database to a Dada Mail list - more on this as
it gets
a little more mature - but this is the feature I'm trying to
towards, as another stepping stone to Dada Mail's own multiple
Things to watch out for:
The White List has been minimally tested - it's most likely
in very inconcevable ways in many places
The complete
List and Mailing List confirmation system is also, most likely,
broken in interesting ways
You are warned :)
The new whitelist is also fairly unoptimized, so it'll choke on
extremely large white lists
I think
Also - since there's all these crazy list types now, here's the
precendence when you add a whole bunch of addresses to your
list via the list control panel's, "Manage Subscribers: Add" routine:
* Invalid messages are the first things to be sorted out
* duplicates
* blacklisted
* not white listed
So, the white list presently has the lowest precedence of
anything Remember that for Trivial Pursuit
* Discussion List Enhancements:
* Minor organization housekeeping of the dada_bridge
pl admin
control panel screen - nothing revolutionary
* New Option! "Set the To: header of discussion list
messages to the
List Address, rather than the subscribers address
Does basically what it says - when checked, your
discussion list
will work similar to how most traditional discussion
lists work
Unchecking this option will make your discussion list
work like
how Dada Mail discussion lists have worked before
This option currently is only available if you use
either the
sendmail command, or the Net::SMTP SMTP engine - this
leaves out
the Mail::Bulkmail SMTP engine, which I haven't yet
figured out
how to hack to make it work well with this option
* SpamAssassin Integration! "Ignore messages labeled as,
"SPAM" by
SpamAssassin filters
Does basically what it says
You can also set the what
you deam is, "Spam" - I think the default is a very
This feature is pretty un-optimized - to the point where
I can't
use it myself, since it's calling SpamAssassin directly,
of using SpamAssassin's spmac/spamd system (thanks for
all the
pointers to those!) YMMV, but it may be handy in its
state to you
When I do figure out how to use the
system, it should be pretty easy to reuse what I've already
made, so it's not the end of the world
Bugs Fixes (pending): * 1495336 2 10 8 - Redirect URL for subscription failures not http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1495336&group_id=13002&atid=113002
* 1488538 2
8 - open message HTML code not being applied?
I'm still also looking for feedback of the new Net::SMTP engine -
right now, I don't have much, and none regarding the SSL/TLS
So, if this feature is important to you, please give a hand
if you can and test it out :)
That's about it - thanks for everyone's feedback - I've been
extremely happy of the discussions that are happening on this list,
Start a new thread, email:
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