Sorry, that last snippet should have read:
[snip] sub can_use_cgi_session { return 0; } [/snip]
Justin Simoni
: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication
url: http://mojo skazat com ph: 720 436 7701 aolim: leaddadaist
On May 18, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Dada Mail ((Justin Simoni)) wrote:
I got a report from a Dada Mail user that Dada Mail, 2 10 8 and
below comes with the CPAN perl module, CGI::Session The version
that comes with it, is in the 3 x series There seems to be some
security concerns with this version, some are described at:http://bugs debian org/cgi-bin/bugreport cgi?bug=356555
The new alpha comes with a copy of CGI::Session (ver 4 13, the
most recent) that has these security problems fixed Now, here's
some problems with anyone that's not using the alpha version of
Dada Mail (I'm thinking the majority of you)
CGI::Session 4 13 will not work with any version of Dada Mail,
except the current 2 10 9 alpha version You'll need to upgrade, or:Install CGI::Session 4 13 and replace the, "dada/DADA/App/ Session pm file that comes with Dada Mail 2 10 9 alpha into your
own working copy of Dada Mail This should relieve the problem,
but hasn't been testing at all The easiest way to install
CGI::Session 4 13 is to copy all the dada/DADA/perllib/CGI/Session*
files from the Dada Mail 2 10 9 alpha distribution into your
current installed copyIf you cannot get this to work correctly, you can try just
removing all the dada/DADA/perllib/CGI/Session* files Dada Mail
fallback to a session system that does not rely on this CPAN module
(handy, huh?)If the above doesn't work, open up dada/DADA/App/Session pm and
find this method:[snip]
sub can_use_cgi_session {
my $self = shift; my $can_use_cgi_session = 0;
if($] >= 5 006_001){
eval {require CGI::Session}; if(!$@){ $can_use_cgi_session = 1; } }return $can_use_cgi_session; } [/snip]
Change it to:
[snip] can_use_cgi_session return 0; } [/snip]
- If you have Dada Mail, that has a version number below 2 9, you
are unaffectedSo, FYI - I don't have any live cases that the security issues
present in CGI::Session have caused any problems to any Dada Mail
userAlso, if you can test out the alpha, most notably with the login/ logout/logging into a different list and make sure all those still
work, it would help me greatly The program is only as good as the
feedback I getCheers,
-- Justin Simoni
: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email
Communication Softwareurl: http://mojo skazat com ph: 720 436 7701 aolim: leaddadaist
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