"Dada Mail (Justin Simoni)" dada@skazat com
In the future, please do not top post It is a real annoyance, and a sign of a newbie Furthermore, HTML is usually shunned in newsgroups Plain ASCII text is the way to go
Please don't place rules on users that don't exist - everyone has
different styles, and none of them really rub me the wrong wayAs far as the warnings go, like anything, if anyone wants to give a
hand, I'd really appreciate it - Dada Mail's a large program and
there's many things that I would like to have done with it, and one
person that is currently doing all the work I know we all have
strengths and I could really use the help If no one helps, I guess
everyone's going to have to work with my temperamentSpecifically, some of these errors, like this one:
[Fri May 12 04:10:25 2006] mail cgi: Name "DADA::MailingList::Subscribers::dbi_obj" used only once: possible typo at /usr/local/www/apache22/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi line 168,
line 1Are weird - great, it's may be a typo - but it's not
Some of those other warnings cropped up when the archive editor was
folded into the main Dada Mail program What worked for a smaller
standalone script isn't working as well with the rest of the mail cgi
program Is it causing the program to crash? Malfunction? Is it a
security concern? No The worst it's currently doing is making the
error log chatty and I can live with that at the moment If anyone
wants to look at it, like I said, I'd really appreciate the help, but
I'd personally really like to focus on other issues of the program so
currently, it's a low priority for me-- Justin Simoni
I am not placing a rule on anybody Justin, it is just common sense I subscribe to over twenty mailing lists and can testify that on many of them, top-posters are routinely 'flamed' or just ignored It it really hard to follow a thread that is answered by more than one individual if they all start posting anywhere they want Top posting causes the whole process to go back in time making comprehending the who thread a rather unsavory chore
Anyway, enough of that
The error that you listed above is rather unique I know
I have not had
any success in tracking it down
One of my cohorts claims that your
program reads in the entire config file in one gulp, hence every error
always lists
I was also advised that perhaps you should contact the Perl developers directly and see what they have to say Perhaps, it is a bug of some type in Perl Out of curiosity, have you gone that route?
For the record, the only reason I posted that list of error messages was because I had updated my system, and previously had never seen an error about a variable not staying shared previously in any DADA error log, httpd-error log or anywhere else in regards to DADA I just thought you might be interested in it since I assume I am running newer; i e , more up to date software that many of your other subscribers, as well as you yourself possibly
In addition, I posted something on your web forum page regarding MySQL I will reprint it here if you would prefer to answer it in this arena instead
// Reprinted from DADA Forum//
Justin, I am going to be setting up DADA for a customer of mine, and I have a few quick questions
This setup will be using a MySQL backend I will be creating the tables using phpMyAdmin I believe
1) Other than where you have specifically specified it, does it make any difference if the values are 'null' or 'not null'?
2) For the collation, I usually set the value at: utf8_unicode_ci but I could use virtually anything else, such as latin1_general_ci ascii_general_ci or anything else that might seem appropriate Does it make any difference to DADA Mail what it is set to?
3) You have the following entry: id/G/GD/GDR/HTML-FromText-1 005 tar gz in the /dada/extras/documentation/html_version/DadaMail pm html file What is it referring to?
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